
Go right ahead. We'd all love it.

All pictures are mine :3   This is the Almighty (drumroll) Tankimus Rex. Tank for short. Edited at August 8, 2024 05:21 PM by -Sweet-Poison-

my baby jericho :,) (picture credits to me!) Edited at August 8, 2024 05:20 PM by Honey

-Sweet-Poison- said: This is the Almighty (drumroll) Tankimus Rex. Tank for short.
:0 he's so cuteee

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
^ please remember to credit photographs, guys! I know it feels obvious but a little (picture is mine) or (pic credit: me) is still needed! :] All images are mine :] Slaps my genetic dumpster fire of an old mutt in here. [Rest in peace  With animal and dog aggression, many allergies, and eventually getting taken out by liver cancer, he's a pretty prime example for why people don't want to rescue. But nonetheless, he was a good dog and by far the weirdest dog I've ever met, he had so many quirks and did so many strange things. If I could own his carbon copy again in a few years with better resources and experience I absolutely would, as despite his issues I guarantee he could have been even more of an epic dog had I had better resources and knowledge.  Anyway I'm just rambling about him now as it's been about 3 years and I do miss him. He was quite literally allergic to everything but fish, rice and potatoes 😭 His #1 enemy was anything horse shaped and the amount of irresponsible things we let happen with this dog I'm honestly not proud of, but he did teach me a hell of a lot and I have more respect for reactive dog owners than I ever would have done without owning him. We got him from a local shelter aged 6 and had him up until he was 11, when he passed away. We knew he was reactive before we got him and he did make a lot of progress with other dogs, even if it was a little hit or miss! They said he was some kind of staffy mix annnd we were lucky enough to get him DNA tested once we had him for a few years. He was a newfoundland, border collie, labrador, German shepherd and American staffy mix. Mostly lab and staffy - if I could find his old results I'd post 'em but alas, I can't. Anywhere here's some more of my favourite pics of him as I haven't been able to share 'em in a few years.   Anyway enough rambling about him, I'm not looking to own any more dogs for a long long long time! Some breeds I love are borzois, American Akitas and Eurasiers! Though I'm not really cut out for owning any of 'em, so I just like to look at them. :]
Edited at August 8, 2024 05:22 PM by Eternity

silhouetteissleepy, ugh. What a cuuutie. A Labrador. <3 I adore Labs. I think my next dog may be one. So pretty. Their name?
Ecifircas said: His name is Ace!! :) Yeah, labs are really chill and sweet. He's in his teething phase right now though lmaooo

Ecifircas said: Eno, are you a mystic, by chance? That is EXACTLY what he does and it's *hard.* I fostered a great pyraneese x lab mix and she would smack your ankels if you weren't paying attention to her xD Edit: this is she (a baby) Picture is mine 148987 Edited at August 8, 2024 05:26 PM by Eno
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Oh my ET that last picture is to die for! He's a goofball

Tankkk. What a cute and fitting name. That dogs looks HUGE. I'd love to rub his face... his giant apple cheeks, lol.
Kito... Kito supremacy... how do I manage to miss him and I never even met him? Ugh. <|3 What a cool dog. I would have given anything to give his deep lil barrelesque chest a good scritching. His inner thighs look so soft... the best thunder thighs eva. Rest in peace, king.

Honey, Jericho supremacy. What a cutie. Sugar muzzled dog supremacy. What is his mix, if you know? Sooo cute.
silhouetteissleepy, oof. Good luck. It's always hard with gun dog breeds. I wish you luck, you will definitely need it. xD
Eno, maybe this is just the livestock guardian dog breed experience, lol. Everyone I know with LGDs or their mixes say they slap.