
serene. said: 1.) Favorite animal? 2.) Are you a cool toned pallet user or would you prefer warmer tones? 3.) what's your favorite artstyle?:3
1. My favorite animal is a diamondback rattlesnake.
2. Cool-toned, 100%.
3. My favorite art style is definitely Skailla or Emma Krogell's.

Stray Secrets said: you like soup?
My enjoyment of the soup would vary a lot depending on type but I don't turn my nose up at food of most kinds. So, shortly, yes. I like soup.

Wolves_Byte23 said: What's your bank info?
As soon as The Nigerian Prince is done in my account, I'll send the information right over.

Dawnforest said: Do you like cheese?
Not really, unless it's colby jack.

Eternity said: Current dog/next dog plans as of THIS EXACT SECOND RIGHT NOW? What's the most interesting wildlife you've seen in CO? Do you ever worry about just how big the little man, beloved lemon dawg Omen will get? If you had to pick one song to listen to for the rest of your life what would it be? You suddenly have the power to change the taste of one food item on Earth for absolutely everyone, what food are you picking and what does it now taste like? What is your least favourite type of weather? Do you have a favourite type of tree? What is it? How would you describe your feed on social media? TikTok/Instagram/etc. What kinda stuff shows up?
1. German Shepherd.
2. Honestly? Raccoons. They are pretty rare but I saw a family (pack?) of them on an outing downtown once and it was pretty wild. Oh, or maybe a baby black bear crossing the street?
3. All the time, everyday. I fully expect to break something while owning him. lmao
4. Don't Panic - Kitty.
5. Spaghetti. I would make it taste like suuuuper sugary donuts. Why? Pure malevolence.
6. Anything so cold you're at risk of frostbite. For how much money my family has spent on winter gear, it all seems pretty shit at keeping you warm outside. . .? Even the top brands for winter gear disappoint. You'd think humans would have invented something to cope with harsh cold by now but nah, I just find those days of being cold and trapped indoors annoying.
Close second is nights so hot you wake up cooked to your sheets and drenched in sweat. Well, tied, to be honest. I hate both.
7. Birch trees!
8. My feed is mostly vineesque? Not skits but people talking in a way that's funny, lmao. I can't explain that. That or edits. Orrr.. dog discourse. I like my feeds.

1) Do you sleep? 2) if yes, when do you generally fall asleep?

Suspicious Stew said: 1) Do you sleep? 2) if yes, when do you generally fall asleep?
1. Rarely, if I'm honest.
2. Whenever I am exhausted to the point of being useless to do anything except sleep. I like to stay busy-ish and I'm pretty flexible with when I sleep so I can stay up doing stuff. I flop between phases of sleeping at 4 PM and then staying up until 6 AM and then sleeping, haha

What's the craziest/most bizarre story you have from working 911 dispatch Edited at March 10, 2024 12:40 AM by BJake
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BJake said: What's the craziest/most bizarre story you have from working 911 dispatch
Ack, did you miss my reply in chat?
In any case, really nothing too crazy, if I'm honest. You just got a surprising amount of people calling about really trivial stuff. Like people demanding you legally advise them over their waste disposal company coming late to pick up their trash, lmao.
Orrr.. stuff like people asking you if x thing needed medical attention when you were fairly certain that if their calm reporting of the scenario was correct, they would need pint upon pint of blood and immediate attention.
You also got calls about people claiming to see UFOs and calling 911 out of concern. Like yes, I hear you ma'am. A streak of green and blue light over Highway 24? Let me just call up the Guardians of the Galaxy, lmao.

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
What is the largest animal you think you could beat in a fight one on one, hand to hand? [Hand to paw?]