
Forum Moderator Darkseeker
I should be able to get to these this week! I have some time off from my classes coming up, sorry for the delay </3

If anyone is interested in any of my pixels for your Myliolupus, let me know and I will color them for free for the species speficially. <3 I do have a pixel HS that I did recently that I haven't made a YCH yet as I am holding off until I can make a few more YCH and just drop a batch, but I am using them as TH Icons so if you guys would like one, let me know! ♥ This is the non-released pixel YCH I can do. Just colored using one of my existing characters ♥ and then my other pixels are here if you fill out the form, just put Mylo instead of payment method <3 ♥ ♥ I don't know about you guys but I am just SUPER stoked to get all the arts for mine now that I have my cutie! As soon as I am home from my event tonight, you bet your buns I am working on art for them. c': P.S - the paw divider one that has the hearts in the middle, I will probably make a version with fish instead of hearts and I will let you guys know when I do! ♥ @Eternity, I hope it's okay I put all this here! If not, let me know and I will edit asap! <3 Edited at October 28, 2024 05:59 PM by Liebe
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So cute. I love your art, Liebe. :')

Oh, and yes, please let me know when you make the fish version so I can snag it for my Mylio. Your dedication to the species is admirable - makes me want to be more active with mine. This is mine. His name is Miso! 

Hi! So late, sorry! ♥ I've completed these for myself, Hades and Eternity! If anyone else would like one, please let me know! <3 (No need to fill out form, just respond here or PM me) ♥ Here's what they look like. :D ♥ Edited at November 16, 2024 12:46 PM by Liebe
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
My apologies for the lack of posts/progress recently! I've just been hella busy </3
Liebe those are literally so cute, omg. I definitely need to get designs finished for other people so they can get them too! They're literally so perfect.

That's a-okay! Life outside comes first! <3 ♥ D'aw, thank you!! I am very happy with how they turned out. :D Take your time and I will absolutely make sure others get theirs when the designs are ready! :D
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