

Man, I remember as a kid biting the living hell outta people because I thought teeth marks symbolized dominance 💀 Can't forget when I'd have public "meltdows" and then be fine the next day or hour Edited at June 2, 2023 09:16 PM by Bayou

I ate tobacco because someone told me it was chocolate dirt. Tasted terrible but I swallowed it because I thought once it went down it would taste better.

Afterglow said: In 5th grade I used to write "Firestar" on my worksheets where it said name. I had my teacher calling me Firestar too. As you've probably already guessed, I was (and let's be honest I still am) obsessed with the Warriors series. I also used to growl at people in elementary and middle school. 💀
LMAO I did this in elementary. I wrote mine as "Wolf" "Ashton" "Oakley" HAHA.. I got told not to do again and then accidentally did it in highschool. >.>

Ecifircas said: Probably trying to message 'cutely' lmao. A few examples being "Hai" ":3" and anything else heavy on emoticons and kaomojis. [Kaomojis, these lil guys right here -> ( ´ ▽ ` )] Ugh.
I also generally cringe from how excessively friendly and willing to bend over backwards for people I was, haha.
Same situation for me! When I was 10-11 I would type the most ridiculously incoherent sentences by using a lot of "cute" speak and emoticons, along with my horrible spelling and grammar.
Example: "Hi there every one!!! :33 so UH hi ppl today we are gunna talk about dogs ;v; btw mah fav, dog breed is a chiwawa!!! Chiwawas r so smol x3 :P lol thx 4 reading dis I guezzzzzz" To this day I am amazed at how people ever tolerated me. It was so bad.... that is definitely one thing I regret doing.
Edited at August 15, 2023 02:05 PM by Yukonberia Pack

um lets see, my chats and the fact that i kinda would grab newborn pups away from their momma and try to hide them on the blanket with me. I already made up my mind that i was a furmomma! and I was like 4 at the time so there!

ScardeyKat said: I ate tobacco because someone told me it was chocolate dirt. Tasted terrible but I swallowed it because I thought once it went down it would taste better.
Mate who was this and why were you talking to them?? thats so terrable

TKO said: Man, I remember as a kid biting the living hell outta people because I thought teeth marks symbolized dominance 💀 Can't forget when I'd have public "meltdows" and then be fine the next day or hour
Mate are you a wolf or a person?