
Is it bad that I'm starting to get an idea for a second roleplay? XD

You can make another if you want to, but you're in like three rps right now so please don't do anything too stressing-

Ah, the age-old curse of the overactive muse. I've caught that bug before, and it always leads to such a dry period for inspiration. Write it down somewhere, and save it for a dark, non-imagninative day.

Welcome to the group! - Lmao, I'll have to keep it in mind then- I already got someone to help finetune it though... You guys wanna hear what the idea is?

Shoot. Always down for random story tidbits.

Alrighty - So, put very basically- The eight love languages have each been assigned to one of the eight deadly sins to try and redeem them.

So, a physical personification of, like, Italian hangs around the equally personified Sloth? How would that work? Would it be people who represent the languages and sins, or would it be literally the language/sin, with all the experience and knowledge that entails? And what constitutes 'redeeming' one of the sins? Take my questions, fuel your newest brainchild!

Languages as in one of the love languages, like touch, words, gifts, acts of service, admiration, spirit rises, and quality time; not real world languages XD - But to the actual questions; it'd be like the personification of Words hanging out with the personification of Wrath, or the personification of Touch hanging out with Lust. - It would be people that represent the language/sin. - What constitutes as redeemed is once they don't act on the urges that their respective sin brings... So Pride, for example, would stop being haughty and arrogant; instead being at a good level of confidence. Envy wouldn't be as overly jealous. Greed wouldn't be a kleptomaniac that believes everything should belong to them. Gluttony wouldn't binge-eat as much/as often. Wrath wouldn't freaking kill everyone for glancing at them the wrong way. That sort of thing.

Okay, that makes more sense. Though RPing as the French language sounds like an interesting challenge.

By the way, when will the RP start timeliness wise? Not asking for the day you make the thread, I mean will we have to show the group first meeting up to plot? Will it be just before they run? Just after? Or when they get kidnapped?