
I love the Cal ones a lot because everyone uses "they" and even though that is just from the program, i would like to think it is because at this point call finally realizes they're non-binary <3 also the Val and Ethan ones broke my heart because they were sweet but I know how their relationship ends

At this point, I feel like they probably know, at least internally XD - Yep, it makes the angst better, lmao. Sorry, not sorry about that, hehe

I feel like gradually everyone would start using they/them and Cal would not even notice until the point where they cringe when others use he/him you are so evil sometimes- Lost Memories said: At this point, I feel like they probably know, at least internally XD - Yep, it makes the angst better, lmao. Sorry, not sorry about that, hehe

That sounds about right, lmao - Yep <3

I may give you all a short story of past E and Val at some point, just to make things worse (Hehe), but I don't know what details I want to integrate any details into the actual RP, so I may wait.

I think I may work on a Cal post soon. I really hate to move on without Canis though and I am getting pretty worried...

I think it's okay if you do. They responded to my PM a few days ago and said they were just bogged down with school work (Which sucks, boo school.), but you could ask if you don't want to post before them, just in case!

yeah I think I will. plus, I miss them a ton and I would really like to talk to them!! I am so glad they are now coming online so I can message them >:D


Them coming online is definitely good to hear- I was getting concerned, thought they might've died or something. At least it's just school lol