
Ah, yes, fun. What's Axel gonna do, huh, he can't handle two extremely mentally unstable partners... He'd try, it wouldn't end well XD

Oh no poor baby- Axel deals with so much when it concerns Cal and Aries.

I feel like all of the characters should just have shirts or jackets or something that they wear every time they go out into the public that just read "Please return to Leroy or Nabih if found. Do not touch, do not feed, may become hostile upon contact. Do NOT leave unsupervised." And then Leroy and Nabih just have responding shirts/jackets that say "Note: We're not responsible for any injuries or lasting disorders that you might have maintained while handling our children.Thanks." - I don't know, it'd be funny XD Edited at August 23, 2022 01:08 PM by Lost Memories

Cal would wear it with pride and if a stranger approaches, he'd just say "careful: i bite."

Yes, absolutely. Meanwhile, TJ is just holding a knife and smiling while Ethan and Axel simultaneously try to hold back their boyfriends XD

Yes! Ethan and Axel are way too patient with their boyfriends though. These two need a spa day or something.

Yesss! Honestly, they're probably Nabih and Leroy's favorites, so maybe they just find a babysitter for the others and bring Axel and Ethan to get ice cream and go to the spa... Good luck to that babysitter thought, lmao

They just hire one of Cal's older friends so that when they return to see chaos the temporary babysitter just says "in my defense, I was left alone to watch them."


This is great- As for the shirts, Aries would just be quietly crying in the corner to make sure he doesn't 'become hostile upon contact'.