
Hmm.. I can see that happening, either a past relationship or crush, or even current crush between those two. Beyond the differences in their personalities, they actually seem to have similar likes, so there's that. As long as she finds the person attractive, there's a possibility lmao.
Thea doesn't seek out relationships or something similar out of potential compatibility, but more so as a means of entertainment and filling that void of loneliness. Well, at least until genuine emotions become involved. Then she's out. She's a very all over the place lady.

I'm interested in something between Thea & my boy. What would you think about our two? I'm definitely aging him up if you're interested in something Edited at March 4, 2024 02:50 PM by Spellbound

I can see 'em being in a relationship and then it falling apart pretty quickly? I think the crushing situation would be a better idea for the RP though At around 5pm I intend to make the RP thread... if I get past that time please remind me :') Edited at March 4, 2024 02:56 PM by Salem
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@Spellbound So, after taking a quick look at his form, I think it would be a very interesting dynamic no matter what happens. Both of them seem incredibly skilled with manipulation, and it feels like a potential back and forth situation of him trying to see past the front she puts up, and Thea keeping him on his metaphorical toes. The big thing that worries me is he's not the kind of person you want to upset or betray, but if Okeanos genuinely wanted something, that would inevitably happen with her. Thea is not an easy person to romance for the long game. She can do flings and crushes with ease, but attempts to detach the moment things become serious. Given how Okeanos is romantically, there's a chance that if pursued, it'll be angst-filled. Attempting to break up, but falling back into it if she feels like her emotions are under control, then losing said control, and the cycle continues.

Salem said: I can see 'em being in a relationship and then it falling apart pretty quickly? I think the crushing situation would be a better idea for the RP though At around 5pm I intend to make the RP thread... if I get past that time please remind me :')
Yeaa, I'm sorry :') She's a slippery one, definitely. So possibly a short lived fling during the RP, if that, happens. Because don't get me wrong, Thea definitely thinks he's attractive, so he's got that going for him lmao. And woo!! I'm excited to write for this.

That seems like fun :3 Hell yeah, he's got something going for him *^* xD
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Also, have this art of Thea I did (If it looks different Salem, it's because I edited it). Woo! It worked as a picture 
Edited at March 4, 2024 03:35 PM by Rushie


Alright, y'all. I've made the RP thread, here. And I have not included what's going on because I want to make sure everybody is paying attention <3 If you want to know what's happening, you have to stick around the discussion thread. Now: The humans will be just arriving, and this should be the first day they begin to settle in. You may pick what building, etc. I imagine the living spaces to be like this, but more spaced out. Each human would have their own reason for being there The sirens would likely be the first to see the group and spread rumors about there being new humans get the mermaids riled up/excited with them. And yknow, the mermaids would be getting riled up lol The day would be very sunny but not too hot, a nice balance. The night would be only slightly colder and of course, dark. The waters would be warm but not overly hot. The rest of the week (starting day should be Tuesday) is supposed to be about the same temperature with a morning of light rain. ~ If I forgot something, tell me :') My brain isn't braining so I think I might've forgotten something Edited at March 4, 2024 04:52 PM by Salem
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Umm, the RP link isn't linked. I had to go hunting.