


I'm able to toss in a third character wherever needed

Awesome ^^ I might make it so we can play more than two characters, but for this being a sort of small thing I'm also thinking it's not an amazing idea
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I think I might make a siren character but I am struggling to think of what to do with her

Righty, I'm alive-! Kind of- Works been busy as all hell and today was an absolute shit show but I'm home for the arvo. Anyways! Hello everybodyyy, I've got Irwin, my very young lovely merman and I was wondering if there's anyone who might be up for a merman+human type relationship with him? Preferably looking for another male but I'm open for female characters too :))
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Marcos is totally open for whatever at the moment but still not fully sure what to do with this lazy man. if you're interested, feel free to pm me about it!

Caspian is also up for any kind of affiliations, romantic isn't the best but a crush of some sort would be fine I'm also thinking maybe later today we can start
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Hello everyone! I'm seeing a few things about y'alls characters relations and looking for some, and I'm just letting everyone know, Thea could be an ex for some of you. I'm not jumping into the idea of a relationship with her just yet (fear of commitment tings ✨), but Thea could definitely be someone's ex and/or crush ^^ If you're intrigued by my lovely lady of chaos, then don't hesitate to send a PM! We can work something out, lol.

Caspian could've had a crush on her, either previously or sometime during the RP? Either one could work, I'm also suggesting because Caspians already had relations with a siren before so it wouldn't be a stretch for him to crush on a siren Or he could be a previous partner but since he is probably very boring to someone like Thea it wouldn't have worked out or.. something? lol
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