Madame Clove Appearance; Clove resides at the height of 6’ 2”. Her skin tone is fair with neutral undertones. She has a little sprinkle of freckles along her nose. -- Clove has a diamond face shape, meaning she has a smaller forehead and a smaller chin, and the middle of her face is wider, the whole thing on the shorter side. Her cheeks are on the fuller side. Now for the nose, she has a duchess shaped nose, meaning it’s a straight-edged nose that has been ranked one of the best noses, a ‘normal’ nose, if you would. Her lips are round with the lower lip being thinner than the upper one, making calm and small smiles her most often seen expression. -- She has an average eyebrow when it comes to thickness, though it has a rather soft arch. Finally the eyes, she has protruding monolid eyes that are hazel in color, though it has more green in them than brown/gold, though her eyes do seem to be slightly paler than they should be. Her face is framed by long blonde and brown hair, the style being a military style bob. -- Her body structure could quickly be described as rectangular, a long torso matched with long legs, everything about her screams tall and graceful. Especially when taking into consideration that this girl weighs 123 with her BMI at a healthy 18.7, though she is definitely on the slimmer side. -- Clove is one that chooses practicality over comfort or style when it comes to clothing. Wearing simple black, slim fitting pants and a loose, long sleeve black shirt, along with black military boots and a black military style jacket. She looks like an off-duty general that’s ready to kick into action at a moment’s notice. And she most definitely is. She also has a pair of glasses, though she rarely ever wears them. They are simple black framed, oval shaped ones. -- Now for scars. She has one, or three depending on how you look at it. They’re at her face; from the top right to bottom left, three scars go across the middle of her face. The two outer ones, go over their corresponding eye, the bottom scar hits the right eye and the top scar hits the left eye. They have left her partially blind in both, but she can still see enough to get work done. She has glasses for a reason. And that reason is so that any time that she feels it is absolutely necessary, she can just slip them on. Vena Appearance; Vena resides at the height of 5’ 10”. Her skin tone is ivory with warm undertones. She has quite a bit of freckles on her face.. -- Vena has a diamond face shape, meaning she has a smaller forehead and a smaller chin, and the middle of her face is wider, the whole thing on the shorter side. Her cheeks are on the fuller side. Now for the nose, she has a duchess shaped nose, meaning it’s a straight-edged nose that has been ranked one of the best noses, a ‘normal’ nose, if you would. Her lips are pointy natural, making calm smiles or confident smiles as her most often seen expression. -- She has an average eyebrow when it comes to thickness, though it has a rather soft arch. Finally the eyes, she has protruding monolid eyes that are bright green in color. Her face is framed by straight, long, black hair, the style being a military ponytail most of the time. -- Her body structure could quickly be described as rectangular, a long torso matched with long legs, everything about her screams athletic. Especially when taking into consideration that this girl weighs 150 with her BMI at a healthy 21.52. -- Vena is one that chooses practicality over comfort or style when it comes to clothing. Wearing simple black, loose pants and a loose, black tank top most days. Along with either black black military style jackets or black sweat jackets, along with black running boots. She looks like a military training coach waiting to be told it’s time for drills to start, and she basically is one too. Vezn Appearance; Vezn resides at the height of 5’ 10”. Her skin tone is ivory with warm undertones. She has quite a bit of freckles on her face.. -- Vezn has a diamond face shape, meaning she has a smaller forehead and a smaller chin, and the middle of her face is wider, the whole thing on the shorter side. Her cheeks are on the fuller side. Now for the nose, she has a duchess shaped nose, meaning it’s a straight-edged nose that has been ranked one of the best noses, a ‘normal’ nose, if you would. Her lips are pointy natural, making calm smiles and bright, loud smiles as her most often seen expression. -- She has an average eyebrow when it comes to thickness, though it has a rather soft arch. Finally the eyes, she has protruding monolid eyes that are bright green in color. Her face is framed by short black hair, the style being a military style pixie cut, made to make sure it keeps out of her face. -- Her body structure could quickly be described as rectangular, a long torso matched with long legs, everything about her screams lanky. Especially when taking into consideration that this girl weighs 135 with her BMI at a healthy 19.37. -- Vezn is one that chooses practicality over comfort or style when it comes to clothing. Wearing simple black, loose pants and a loose short-sleeve, black shirt most days. Along with either white military style jackets or white doctor/lab coats, along with white military boots. She looks like a military medic ready to go at a moment’s notice, and she basically is one too. Erik Appearance; Erik resides at the height of 6’ exactly. His skin tone is a tan olive with deep, warm undertones. He has quite a bit of freckles on his face, though they aren’t normally noticeable. -- Erik has a diamond face shape, meaning he has a smaller forehead and a smaller chin, and the middle of his face is wider, the whole thing on the longer side. His cheeks are on the fuller side. Now for the nose, he has a rather hooked nose, like the stereotypical witches’ nose. His lips are downturn thin, making thin/pressed lines as his most often seen expression. -- He has an average eyebrow when it comes to thickness, though it has a rather pronounced arch. Finally the eyes, he has deepset monolid eyes that are an icy blue in color. His face is framed by short, curly black hair, the style being a military style undercut and fade. -- His body structure could quickly be described as rectangular, a long torso matched with long legs, everything about him screams tall. Especially when taking into consideration that this boy weighs 140 with her BMI at a healthy 20.09. -- Erik is one that chooses practicality over comfort or style when it comes to clothing. Wearing simple black pants and a loose black shirt most days. Along with either camo military style jackets or black military style jackets, along with typical military boots. He looks like a military special ops captain, and he basically is one too. Adil Appearance: Adil resides at a shorter (average) height of 5’ 6”(167.64 cm), though he almost looks 5’ 7”(170.18 cm) because of how straight his back always is. His skin tone is an ivory with yellowish undertones, which adds to his overall sicker look. He has absolutely no freckles on his body, making him seem somewhat like a vampire in that respect. -- Adil has a diamond face shape, meaning he has a smaller forehead and a smaller chin, and the middle of his face is wider, the whole thing on the longer side. His cheeks are rather sunken, and he gives no reason as to why, as if he just doesn’t even notice the fact. Now for the nose, something that he rather dislikes, he has a hawk shaped nose, meaning it starts off the same way a ‘normal’ nose would, and then goes off the deep end at a slight angle, the tip of it a bit lower than the nasals. His lips are downturned thin in shape, making frowns or thin, straight, pressed lines as his most often seen expression. -- His eyebrows are rather thin, though with the slightest of arch’s. Finally his eyes, which he hates with a burning passion, are a thin, slanted, deepset hooded in shape, with heavy bags underneath them. Even with how small they are already, he has to squint them to be able to see anything, this makes determining his eye color very well near impossible. His face is framed by lavender hair(completely natural) that is most often found in a straight fringe, parted to the right so that it covers his left eye. The back is fluffier than the front by a long shot, and the tips of all of it go just below the ears in length, the back going down to the nape of his neck. -- His body structure could quickly be described as rectangular, a long torso matched with long legs, everything about him screams lanky and bony. Especially when taking into consideration the fact that this man only weighs in at around 110 lbs, his BMI at 17.75 and being underweight by 5 pounds. He doesn’t even seem to notice the fact that he’s underweight, never giving an excuse. He also sports himself quite a few scars too, mostly at his thighs and ankles, though there are a few at his forearms as well. Though he also has a scar at his left eye, that makes it seem as though it was cut by glass, a knife, or a sword. Of course though, due to his hair, his left eye remains unseen by everyone. Dolios Appearance: Dolios resides at a height of 5’ 4”, a non-intimidating height to most though how he holds himself is enough to intimidate most, he practically adds another inch with how confident he holds himself. His skin tone is pale ivory-porcelain with yellow undertones, which adds to his overall sicker look. He has absolutely no freckles on his body. -- Dolios has a diamond face shape, meaning he has a smaller forehead and a smaller chin, and the middle of his face is wider, the whole thing on the longer side. His cheeks are on the fuller side. Now for the nose, something that he’s glad about is the fact that it is an aquiline shaped nose, meaning it's the stereotypical 'normal' nose. His lips are naturally pointy in shape, making confident, sly smirks or gentle, soft smiles as his resting expressions. -- His eyebrows are thin in thickness, with a rather obvious arch. Finally his eyes, these are a protruding monolid, are heterochromatic. His right eye being amber and his left eye being a light, pale white-gray. His face is framed by wavy, blonde hair that has black highlights going through it, all being completely natural. The back of his hair is fluffier than the front by a long shot, and the tips of all of it go just below the ears in length, the back going down to the nape of his neck. It’s usually tidy and out of his face. -- His body structure could quickly be described as rectangular, a short torso matched with longer legs, everything about him screams lanky. Especially when taking into consideration the fact that this man only weighs in at around lbs, his BMI at a healthy 18.75. -- Dolios is one to really care about what he’s wearing. EIther way, he’s usually wearing darker, but brighter clothing that follows the same pattern. T-shirt or sweater, jacket or cardigan, jeans, and slip-on tennis shoes. The usual colors for these are either a black T-shirt or gray sweater, gold & black jacket or cardigan, black jeans, and gold & black slip-on tennis shoes. It’ll rarely stray from this color scheme, though if it does it’s usually to add some more grays, blacks, or yellows/golds. He also always wears elbow length gloves that have gone gold with age. He is also always carrying a pocket watch on his person. -- Now for the ‘fun’ part… Scars. Dolios has plenty of scars. Both of his hands are covered in them, which can make it hard to move them or do things with them at times. The scars seem to be both of burn scars and of cut scars. The back of his right hand seems to have a scar that even looks like a big X, while there just seems to be a scar from a slash at the palm of his left hand. The only way to really explain just how badly his hands are scarred would be this… It’s as if someone cut and bruised his hands, and then forced them into a pot of scalding water. This scarring goes halfway up to his elbow on his left hand, and just a little bit past his elbow on his right. -- The scar at his face is fairly similar to the scars at his hands. It’s like if someone took a marker and made a symmetrical line done the middle of his face, then doused the left side of it in cuts, bruises, and gasoline before lighting it. It even caused him to go blind in one eye. Emeterius Appearance: Emeterius resides at a height of 6’ 5”, an intimidating height to most and his personality could be possible of helping with that. His skin tone is fair with greenish undertones, which can give him a more mossy or grassy look at times. He has a few freckles along his nose and cheeks, something he absolutely loves. -- Emeterius has a diamond face shape, meaning he has a smaller forehead and a smaller chin, and the middle of his face is wider, the whole thing on the longer side. His cheeks are on the fuller side. Now for the nose, it’s a hooked shaped nose, meaning it’s the stereotypical witches’ nose, which he loves. His lips are naturally pointy in shape, making confident smirks/smiles as his resting expressions. -- His eyebrows are actually rather thick in thickness, with an obvious arch. Finally his eyes, these are a protruding monolid, and are bright green in color. His face is framed by wavy, black hair that has a singular white-gray highlight going through it, all being completely natural. The back of his hair is fluffier than the front by a long shot, and the tips of all of it go just below the ears in length, the back going down past the nape of his neck to right before it reaches his shoulder blades. It’s usually messy and in his face. -- His body structure could quickly be described as rectangular, a short torso matched with longer legs, everything about him screams lanky. Especially when taking into consideration the fact that this man only weighs in at around 160 lbs, his BMI at a healthy 18.97. -- Emeterius is one to really care about what he’s wearing. EIther way, he’s usually wearing brighter, darker clothing that follows the same pattern. T-shirt or sweater, doublet, jeans, and gothic punk stomp boots. The usual colors for these are either a black T-shirt or green sweater, green & black doublet, black jeans, and green & black gothic punk stomp boots. It’ll rarely stray from this color scheme, though if it does it’s usually to add some more greens or blacks/grays. He wears multiple accessories on a daily basis. At his ears, he wears gothic earrings. He’s also always carrying a pocket watch on his person. -- Emeterius also has some stranger types of scars, Dolios isn’t the only one. He has a scar that runs straight up and down his spine, including the parts that go up someone’s head, and another one that goes completely around his neck. He has one that starts at his shoulder blades and goes completely across either way, as well. He also has one that goes completely around his hips, almost like an outline of the bone there. All of them look like scars that came from cuts and stitches rather than the type of stuff Dolios has though. Shallum Appearance: Karuma resides at a height of 6’ 5”, an intimidating height to most, though he is usually hunching to a 6’ 2”, his personality could be possible of helping with the intimidation bit though. His skin tone is a pale, pasty bisque(CE-1 with some SH-0 to be exact.) with yellowish/bluish undertones, which adds to his overall sicker look. He doesn’t have any freckles on his body, which he has mixed feelings on. -- Karuma has a diamond face shape, meaning he has a smaller forehead and a smaller chin, and the middle of his face is wider, the whole thing on the longer side. His cheeks are rather sunken/guantish, and he gives no reason as to why, as if he just doesn’t even notice the fact. Now for the nose, it’s a hooked shaped nose, meaning it’s the stereotypical witches’ nose, which he also has mixed feelings on. His lips are downturned thin in shape, with a scar that makes it look like it had been slitted with either a knife or scissors, making frowns or thin, pressed lines as his resting expression. -- His eyebrows are thin in thickness, with a rather obvious arch. Finally his eyes, these are a deepest hooded in shape, with heavy bags underneath them, are heterochromatic. His left eye being a muted, dull gray and his right eye being a muted, dull green. His face is framed by wavy, black hair that has ashy gray-brown highlights going through it, all being completely natural. The back of his hair is fluffier than the front by a long shot, and the tips of all of it go just below the ears in length, the back going down to the nape of his neck. It’s usually messy and in his face. -- His body structure could quickly be described as rectangular, a short torso matched with longer legs, everything about him screams lanky and bony. Especially when taking into consideration the fact that this man only weighs in at around 136 lbs, his BMI at a rather unhealthy 16.13, being underweight by 20 lbs though he doesn’t seem to notice. -- Karuma is not one to really care about what he’s wearing, despite caring about how people perceive him. EIther way, he’s usually wearing duller clothing that follows the same pattern. Sweater, jacket or cardigan, ripped jeans or sweatpants, and old gothic punk stomp boots. The usual colors for these are a black or gray sweater, gold & black jacket or cardigan, ripped black jeans or black sweatpants, and worn green & black gothic punk stomp boots. It’ll rarely stray from this color scheme, though if it does it’s usually to add some older black headphones to the look or it’s to change the hoodie to a mauve or heather(purple) color. He wears multiple accessories on a daily basis. At his ears, he wears some black studded earrings, and a plain white hygiene mask to hide the scarring. He also always wears elbow length gloves that have gone golden-brown with age. He is also always carrying a pocket watch on his person. -- He has a few scars, though he covers them at practically all times and refuses to say how he got them if anyone sees them. He has a few straight, even ones at his forearms… But there is also one that goes across his neck, one on his forehead that looks almost as if he’d been stabbed there, one that goes across his left hand, one that outlines his entire face, and some that wraps around his arms like vines would. And, of course, the one at his mouth. Zephyr Appearance: Zephyr resides at a rather average height of 5' 9" when it comes to her species while hiding as humans. Her skin tone is cameo(#d8c0a1) with warm undertones. She has plenty of freckles on her body, though especially at her cheeks, nose, and shoulders. -- Zephyr has a rather oval face shape, meaning she has a smaller forehead and a smaller chin, but the middle of her face is wider, the whole thing on the longer side. Her cheeks are rather thin despite this, though if asked she usually just shrugs it off. Now for the nose, she has a duchess shaped nose, meaning it’s a straight-edged nose that has been ranked one of the best noses, a ‘normal’ nose, if you would. Her lips are thin in shape, making grins or tight-lipped lines her most often seen expressions. Her canines are sharper than humans too, this is only to be expected of her species though. -- Her eyebrows are rather thin too, though with a pronounced arch. Despite them being thin, they are extremely easy to see due to the color. Finally, her eyes are deepset almond in shape. As for the color, she has heterochromia. Her left eye is a silver-gray color while her right is a much harder thing to describe. With her right pupil seeming sharp like a cats’ and orange nonetheless while the rest of her eye is a dark indigo or violet with specks and swirls of navy blue. With her medication or in fights, these colors spin and dance a certain way depending on if it’s meds or fighting. -- Her face is framed by hair that goes down to her ears on the sides and down to the nap of her neck in the back. She also has bangs that goes down to her chin that she uses to hide one of her eyes depending on where she is and who she’s around. The color of her hair is raven black with dark indigo, navy blue, dark orange, and dark violet highlights. She tells humans that these colors are from her dying it but in actuality, they’re pretty much all natural. -- Her body structure could quickly be described as an hourglass, a long torso matched with long legs, along with a slightly thinner waist. She weighs at 140 lbs, her BMI a healthy 20.67, though she’s definitely on the slimmer side. -- Of course, not all of that weight is just because of her size and how much she eats. Plenty of it is probably due to the fact that she has wings from a devil and a tail from a scorpion that she hides fairly easily. Her wings, which look like a stereotypical devil’s wings, are a deep russet(#82471c) color, with taupe(#41342c) accents. Meanwhile her tail looks much like the tail of a Stripe-Tailed Scorpion, but the tip of her stinger has her signature colors of dark indigo, dark violet, navy blue, and dark orange. And then her halo… It glows a bright yellow with what looks like a dark orange outline. With her medication or while fighting, it spins for a moment and then breaks apart, looking as if it’s melting. -- When it comes to clothing, she is most definitely one to care what she looks like to other people, though not in the way one would expect. For clothing, she usually wears a black or red button-up, a purple or blue tailcoat, black jeans, and black dancing shoes. As for accessories; she wears a navy blue elbow-length glove on her right hand, multiple ear piercings, and a simple silver chain necklace. She also always wears a pocket watch on her and on her left hand, a glove that’s gone golden-brown with age. With make-up she dons obsidian painted nails. She also wears a flask at the belt, something that could ‘kill’ her if she even took a single sip due to her species. More likely, kill her for a good 5-20 minutes, only long enough to fool people into thinking she’s dead. -- As for scars, she really only has a few. One that looks like a slash at her left eye, though it doesn’t really affect her vision any more than her hair covering it up at times does. The other one is at her right hand, though to be honest, it’s more like a collection of scars. Mostly burn scars too, as if she decided that to get rid of a burn she had to put her hand into a pot of boiling water. This goes up to her elbow, so her glove covers it up luckily(though it seems a bit too lucky, doesn’t it?). She also has one that goes around right eye, and there’s little pinpricks in her right eye too. There’s also a scar going down her left eye, from her left eyebrow to her left cheek. She also has one that follows her hairline.

Here's mine for Aries! *~*~* Gwyar sat in the station, neck still raw from whatever it was he’d been doing. At ten years old, he was slightly hoping that the police officers forgot about him. He didn’t need their help, he didn’t need his mom either, or his dad, or anyone else for that matter. He just wanted to get back into the streets and disappear into the background. -- But, alas, the officers were searching for his mother so that he could be sent home. More likely, he knew, they’d end up finding her address before she would ever answer her phone. He stared at the ground as he waited, the voices he’d grown accustomed to over the last four years screaming about boredom. He hated them. He didn’t want them, he didn’t need them, there was no reason for them. He hated them. -- He didn’t know how long it took, but eventually, a police officer came over to him and told him that they found his old address. He’d stood up, following them out of the station silently. He kept his eyes on the ground, hands in his black jacket’s pockets. The police car door was opened for him and he got in without any trouble, he’d been in one three other times now. All recently. -- The drive to his mom’s address was silent, the officer tried to get him to talk but his throat hurt so he wasn’t in the mood. Well, maybe not completely silent, the voices had taken to telling each other stories about mythical creatures. He didn’t know how they knew what they knew, but it sounded kind of fun. He still hated them though. -- When they pulled up to the address, the door was open for him and he hesitated for a split second before getting out. He didn’t want to come back here, not after everything, but… Maybe his one year absence had changed her for the better? He was allowed to hope… Right? -- He followed the police officer up to the door, they knocked a few times but didn’t get an answer. Gwyar hoped it was different now, but… He pushed past the officer a bit, and his hands went to the doorknob. He tried turning it, finding it unlocked. He pushed the door open and walked inside, the house felt empty. Very empty. He hated it. -- He hesitated and then spoke, casting a glance at the officer, “M-Mom? Wh-Where are you?” He stepped further into the house, deciding to check the living room and the master bedroom for her. The officer was still at the door, waiting for him to bring his mother out to talk to them. -- He glanced over the small couch they owned to look into the living room, only to find it empty. He bit the inside of his cheek, maybe she was at the bar? But that would mean she hadn’t changed… Gwyar didn’t want to be here if she hadn’t. He didn’t really want to be here at all. -- He found his way to the master bedroom door, hesitating for a moment before grabbing the doorknob and slowly opening it. He stepped inside, eyes scanning the room before stopping as they landed on something. Someone. -- He froze in his place, eyes widening. On the ground was his mother. To anybody simply walking in, it would look like she had just passed out from drinking or something. He knew better, he’d seen his sister. He knew. He could tell when a body wasn’t breathing. -- He tried to keep his head on straight. It was probably alcohol poisoning that did it, or- or- An accidental OD because that was just how she was. Never careful. Maybe it wasn’t too late if that was the case? It wasn’t as if he’d checked the pulse… -- He stumbled back, and forgetting about his hurt throat, he screamed, “O-Officer! My- My mom! She’s, she’s hurt!” -- And not a minute later, the officer was running in and taking in the scene. He stayed by the door, he didn’t want to get closer. He half felt that if he did, it would be real and then there’d be even more noise in his head. And halfly, he didn’t go over because of the voices, what they were doing. They were cheering, cheering for the supposed death of his mother. -- The officer took him through the police car and his mother through an ambulance, to the hospital closest to the house. They had a forlorn look on their face whenever they glanced at him. He wasn’t sure why, the only thing he could think of was because if his mother was dead… Where was he going to go? -- He wasn’t too sure he wanted to know that answer, and just in time they’d arrived at the hospital. He stayed in the waiting room the entire time. And then a doctor came over, and spoke to the officer. He could’ve sworn when the officer looked back at him, there were tears in their eyes. -- “Hey, hey kid… I’m sorry, I really am… Your mother, she, she’s overdosed on heroin… She’s dead, she’s gone.” The officer was holding him by the shoulders as they spoke. -- And the funniest thing happened. With the voices cheering louder than they ever had before, and with that unveiling… The first emotion he felt was anger, he squirmed from the officer’s grasp and began walking down the hallway of the hospital, the voices too loud to even think about hearing whatever was called out to him. -- The anger didn’t subside. His mother was dead. She’d left him, she’d ODed, she hadn’t changed at all. He was alone, with no one but the voices and he hated them. He hated how they laughed and cheered at his mother’s death. He hated that he didn’t hate her. -- The voices screamed in boredom and cheer, and he listened. He turned and punched the wall, quickly turning to a blind fit of hitting it with the bottom of his fist. He didn’t register tears, maybe there weren’t any. He felt crazy, he felt insane and unstable and weak. More than anything, he felt weak. He screamed with the voices, and kept going at the wall. Eventually, he tripped up on his own feet and ended up on the ground. That’s when the first tear fell, or at least when he first registered that he was crying. His hands scrapped against his head, clutching hair and pulling, bringing his legs to his chest. -- He hated her, he hated the voices, he hated the police officer, he hated the doctor, he hated the house- He hated everyone. He hated everything. -- When the police officer helped him to his feet, and began to lead him outside to the vehicle, he didn’t ask any questions. There wasn’t anything to ask. All of the anger from earlier had left, all of the sadness had left. Leaving only a bitter numbness in its wake. He hated that too, he decided blankly. He climbed into the vehicle, and waited for when it would eventually stop. He didn’t know where they were going, but he couldn’t find it in him to care. Not with the voices he despised still yelling at him. Not with his mother and sister dead.