
Nah- Just like the affiliations, but for the emotion your character is currently feeling instead of affiliations.

We don't need those yet though anyways- So once we do I can make mine first to showcase what I mean lmao


I just realized that no one has lots of extra clothes or soap. I'm fixing that. I refuse to even roleplay a filthy teenager without access to 'Won't kill you when upwind' soap.

Pffft Collie will probably just have a spare shirt and that is all. :P

Soap is brought. Clothes are packed. All is well. No shampoo, but soap is perfectly fine for that. (No, Tyler, it typically is not. But you are a teenaged wild child, so I shall cut you some slack.)

Yeah, well, my characters all brought a water bottle, E brought some clothes(because he actually knows what's going on- kinda), and Leroy brough a knife and a rope. WhY? You don't even need a rope, Leroy, bring some clothes and shampoo for goodness sake! XD

Collie brought practically nothing with him... He is just a useless dumbass give him a break-

My girl legit just forgets that hygiene is a thing and then feels disgusted when she realizes she forgot lmao. Eva just brought a whole bunch of games Edited at March 27, 2021 07:39 PM by Flower Field

Tyler is totally the most prepared of all you lot. Then again, he's half-feral. I did not intend for that, but now it is the truest of all facts; Headcannon.