
Ariethous at 12 running away from a burning orphanage that he set on fire; But I'm not evil! I don't even know how it happened! Flower Field said: @Dete Yeah, that would be cool! IDK if we could do something like a campaign though cause of the no fandom RP's rule __ I've never played a real campaign but I still like geeking out to D&D stuff, plus making characters To explain them in my own confusing, bare basics way, alignment works kinda like this: LG: "The law is everything and should be followed always!" LN: "I respect the law but sometimes it's okay to break it, only rarely though." LE: "The law is power! I'm gonna use it for my own plans!" NG: "I'm gonna do the right thing, even if the law says no." TN: "Look, everything I do is for MY benefit, whether it's good or bad." NG: "I could do good but, doing it the evil way sounds more fun!" CG: "The law is fine but I'm gonna break it if I think I should." CN: "Myself comes first always, even if it's morally and/or lawfully wrong. Plus, evil is kinda dope." CE: *Looks at watch* "Welp, time to set the orphanage on fire."

Covid killed my last campaign. Here's my personal beliefs about the characters of these alignments: Lawful Good- Extreme idealism with a dash of divine favor smashed into a typically militant sycophant, but there's less puppy-kicking Neutral Good- I am hero. That's my personality. Chaotic Good- Sorry, officer, but that corrupt tax collector just wasn't on fire enough. Lawful Neutral- Indecision is my main character flaw True Neutral- The world exists, so do I, and by the gods will I have a good time while I yet breathe. Chaotic Neutral- Secretly a pyromanic, with the added bonus of not giving a rat's left ass cheek about anything Lawful Evil- Good is overrated, but indiscriminate chaos is just inefficient Neutral Evil- I'm only kind of a bad guy Chaotic Evil- You know how it feels to step on a brand-new Lego brick barefoot? I am that feeling.

XD Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, and Chaotic Neutral all sound like stuff that Ariethous would do/be/say. That's hilarious. Edited at March 27, 2021 07:00 PM by Overthink101

Alright, so- The RP will start once everyone's affiliations are done lmao

I try. I've been told I should rewrite history textbooks like that. Multiple time, by several different and entirely unconnected parties, weirdly enough.

Should we post it in the sign-ups to keep everything together?

Sure- We're gonna be putting the emotion list in the discussion though, so that I can pin them and then we change those as we go(after Ethan gets their ability only though for that)

Okay. BTW, I was kind of confused by what you were asking for in an emotion post. Do you want a list of basic emotions and the colors our characters would associate with each?

No, on the first page there is a post titled 'Aura Colors'. Ethan, once he gets the ability, will see people's emotions based off of the color of their auras, which the colors and emotions are stated there. For the list, I'm just wanting a basic list of which of those your character is feeling at the moment of your most recent post.

Ah, like the introduction title (Or whatever it's supposed to be called- The Name/Age/Gender/Etc list at the top of RP posts)