
A lot of the current-day protagonists of media are chaotic or neutral good, actually. And most antagonists either lawful or chaotic evil. A majority of antiheroes tend towards true neutral, chaotic neutral, lawful evil, and neutral evil. True neutral is actually the really chaotic alignment, as these characters can do literally anything they feel like, whenever, without needing to uphold a certain theme or stereotype.

Well, he can still be seen as either of those then. - He has a personal code that he follows. (Lawful Neutral trait.) He believes in individuals above the nation. (Chaotic Neutral trait.) He believes in loyalty. (Lawful Neutral trait.) He believes in beliefs above all else. (Chaotic Neutral trait.)

I think he might fit into Chaotic good then. Also, another D&D nerd :D! Edited at March 27, 2021 06:19 PM by Flower Field

Hey what if we get a lot of D&D nerds together and do something since I know a lot of folks here who like D&D- Also that was such a good explanation Canis!! Cal definitely fits into Chaotic Good so I am glad there are multiple Chaotic Good alignments here. (I don't know why, but Chaotic Goods are always my favorite-)

Woot! I personally play 1e, because I am a proud second gen D&D player. Anyway, some of the traits I listed aren't mutually exclusive, just more common. Lots of chaotic aligned characters will have a goal or principle that they refuse to compromise over silly things like legality. Plenty of lawful characters support individuality. It's a big mess of tangled commonalities that need to also take into account the morality of the character and the base personal tenants.

I grew up with D&D jokes and references. My dad's an RPG purists, so I was inducted into the cult of Dungeons and Dragons early on.

Yeah. D&D is super fun, I only started with it last year though XD - What I'm mostly saying with Ariethous though is that some people will probably see him as Chaotic Neutral while others will see him as Lawful Neutral.

@Dete Yeah, that would be cool! IDK if we could do something like a campaign though cause of the no fandom RP's rule __ I've never played a real campaign but I still like geeking out to D&D stuff, plus making characters To explain them in my own confusing, bare basics way, alignment works kinda like this: LG: "The law is everything and should be followed always!" LN: "I respect the law but sometimes it's okay to break it, only rarely though." LE: "The law is power! I'm gonna use it for my own plans!" NG: "I'm gonna do the right thing, even if the law says no." TN: "Look, everything I do is for MY benefit, whether it's good or bad." NG: "I could do good but, doing it the evil way sounds more fun!" CG: "The law is fine but I'm gonna break it if I think I should." CN: "Myself comes first always, even if it's morally and/or lawfully wrong. Plus, evil is kinda dope." CE: *Looks at watch* "Welp, time to set the orphanage on fire." Edited at March 27, 2021 06:40 PM by Flower Field

If he's truly to the point of a roughly even divide between chaotic and lawful, then he's neutral good. That's why the neutral alignment exists, after all.

Saaame! My dad loved D&D so I had that growing up. I have only played a few times and I loved it! I wish I could play more, but no one wants to play with me. :')