
The dog is probably more realistic- They're gonna be in the freaking city, after all. - Just so you know though, he'll probably have to find it after the kidnapping lmao Edited at March 26, 2021 09:36 PM by Overthink101

They'll only be in the small town for the very beginning, and after that we'll switch from a few different locations. Train, City, Hotel/Store/Alleyways/Streets in the City, and the Kidnapper's HQ. For the most part. Edited at March 26, 2021 09:38 PM by Overthink101

That was the plan, yeah. 'Local stray adopts feral child' will be all you need to know about their relationship.

Do you guys think I should change the max characters to three or keep it at a max of two?

Depends on how big you want the RP. I don't think many more people are going to join though, because its been a while since it was originally posted and posts have slowed.

I want another character though XD Honestly, if it's just me keeping it at two is fine, but I do want to make Leroy if that's okay.

XD Leroy is one of my favorites lmao - You can make Leroy- I doubt that, that many more people will be coming to join anyways


Just wanted to point out, everyone's characters have either AB or O Blood Type, except for one lonely A and whatever Purple has. Where be the Bs, by my bemused, baffled, and befuddled bismirchment?

Lmao I could totally make a B Mental if you all want-