
I don't really have anything to suggest Whenever my dad found ground bees he'd slish gasoline on it & some wadded up newspaper & toss in a match Clear out for awhile while the living wasps got all mad Later he'd check on it & if it was inactive he'd dig out the nest (to keep them from just fixingit) & fill in the hole We lived in the country in a low wind area Im not sure this is appropriate for a front lawn.

Administrator Lightbringer
I have a vegetable garden and a berry garden. This year we are battling insects and squirrels. Growing food is hard. I don't have much of a green thumb, but I try. The tomatoes and beans are prolific. The peppers are ok. The zucchini never gives any fruit, and the corn is a disaster. But I have fun!

Fair enough. The nest is in my back yard, but seeing as I live in town I still don't think that method would work. I'm going to check the nest tomorrow and see if the diatomaceous earth does it's job. If not I'll have to get a screen and try to drown/kill them with soapy water. Midnight Moon Pack said: I don't really have anything to suggest Whenever my dad found ground bees he'd slish gasoline on it & some wadded up newspaper & toss in a match Clear out for awhile while the living wasps got all mad Later he'd check on it & if it was inactive he'd dig out the nest (to keep them from just fixingit) & fill in the hole We lived in the country in a low wind area Im not sure this is appropriate for a front lawn.
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im not in the alliance (you said that i can if im not), but im planning to make myself a plant army 😈

So my plant i posted pictures of earlier It was showing signs of being root bound, which i thought vary odd since it hadn't been in its pot for very long So I got it a bigger pot & reported it What I discovered was the soil was so heavy the roots couldn't grow

Thats really interesting, I've never seen that before Midnight Moon Pack said: So my plant i posted pictures of earlier It was showing signs of being root bound, which i thought vary odd since it hadn't been in its pot for very long So I got it a bigger pot & reported it What I discovered was the soil was so heavy the roots couldn't grow

This alliance chat literally died- time to post my 300+ plants on here tomorrow

You better!! XD Noquisi said: This alliance chat literally died- time to post my 300+ plants on here tomorrow
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Please do! Ps My cat ate leaves off the dragons tree so it looks sadly shorn Good news is she only got a tummy ache, that coukd have been way worse as rhe tree is poison to pets