
Vennenum said: As this is not a suggestion for the game, moving this to WP Discussions. -venn.
Did I put it suggesting? Oops >.> I did not realize this, sorry Venn

Miakoda- It's Sioux for 'Moon'!

Adhara Alcyone Alhena Alioth Alsephina Altair Alya Alzirr Antares Arcturus Ascella Atlas Atria Azha Bellatrix Buna Capella Castor Chara Chason Deneb Diya Electra Felis Franz Hadar Hamal Irena Izar Kaveh Mago Maia Matar Messia Merope Mimosa Mira Miram Moriah Naledi Nash Nashira Natasha Navi Nihal Petra Pollux Propus Ran Rasalas Regulus Rigel Sabik Shaula Sirius Solaris Suhail Talitha Tevel Vega Zaniah Zosma All star names

Does anybody have good names that are also emotions? It's the theme for any blood heirs in my pack. Preferably something more feminine, but I may need masculine ones in the future. Thanks!

Crazydayz said: Does anybody have good names that are also emotions? It's the theme for any blood heirs in my pack. Preferably something more feminine, but I may need masculine ones in the future. Thanks!
This was fascinating to search up! Here is a list of some of my favorites that I found. :D Awe Bliss Calm Crestfallen Cheerful Curiosity Delight Ecstasy Elation Enchanted Epiphany Euphoria Generous Inquisitive Melancholy Naive Tranquility Vivacious Vibrant Wistful Woeful Edited at November 11, 2023 11:57 PM by Dahlia Fields

Those are so pretty! Now the task of picking just one-