
Nightingale - Female - Heir - M: Timber (direct) "West it is." Night says as her fur bristles. Nightingale smiles as she walks past. "Sunset is only getting further away. By the time we leave, we would have enough daylight to travel 15 miles a day." She says.

Stripe- Female- Fighter- M: (direct): Jeraboa (indirect): Matzaka (by the way, if my post doesn't make a lot of sense let me know. My computer basically got fried and I've been really busy these past few days and just got a chance to post) Stripe looked around the den, "Boa? Are you okay?" She yawned. I'm really thirsty now. She thought as she looked out the healer's den entrance. I could just take a quick trip to the stream. But I don't want to run into Matzaka.... Ugh! Screw it! Stripe slowly got up and stretched. She looked towards Jeraboa "It doesn't hurt as much now so I'm just gonna a quick trip the stream to get some water." Stripe smiled before limping out of den and towards the stream. Once she was done she turned to head back but stopped to think. Hmmmm..... Boa has done quite a bit today. I'm already out so I might as well stop by the kill pile and pick up food for us. Sure, it'll increase my chance of encountering one of the higher ranking wolves but that's fine. Stripe started towards the the kill pile and grabbed a decent amount to share with Jeraboa. She turned around and started to slowly limp back to the healer's den.

Jeraboa - Male - Healer/Heir - M: Stripe "I'm okay, just stepped on a stick. I would come with you, but I need to pack up these herbs. Come back soon. And if you stop by the profile. You bring me something to eat?" He asks as she leaves the den. Jeroboa hustled around his little dance as fast as his lip could let him. He grabbed some large leaves and put some herbs in each. have to remember that teach everyone how much to take and which are which.. he thinks.

Timber - Male - Apprentice - Mentions: Night - Timber nodded, though his mind was on other things. What would happen to the pack once they left? Was this just another one of Matzaka's excuses to get rid of his untrustworthy wolves so that the pack could be stronger? What would he do once he left? He had promised himself not to come back, after all. Where would he live, away from the pack? He glanced at Night beside him. She had said that she wouldn't leave him if he left. He shook his head, freeing all the thoughts that clouded his mind. Figuring out where to live could wait. Right now he was supposed to be looking for a good place to leave. "C'mon!" He called to Night as he began trotting faster. "Lets get to the top of the ridge before the sun sets."