Special thanks to Venn for making the original guide. :D
Note from Venn: These are my unofficial noob RP characters.
Power Play
This is known as taking over your RP partners character.
Who would be the character at fault in the example below?
Snowy: *tries to claw sparky's neck.*
Sparky: *dodges the attack, clamps his jaws down on Snowy's neck, and hurls her towards a tree, breaking her back.*
If you answered Sparky, you are correct! Sparky was the one that power played. Why? Well... Sparky played out Snowy accepting the attack. Snowy did not get the chance to respond to being grabbed.
A better way to write Sparky's move would be like this:
Sparky: *dodges the attack, attempts to grab snowy by her neck and hurl her at a tree, hoping to injure her back*
With that, at least Snowy has the chance to dodge the attack. Of course, she doesn't have to dodge.
Snowy could then answer with one of the following options.
Snowy: *feels sparky grab her neck and hurl her towards a tree. Snowy hits the tree and a shooting pain is sent down her back.*
Snowy: *Feels sparky grab her neck, but bends down so she can't be thrown. Stumbles instead.*
Snowy: *Dodges his bite and attempts to take him out by his legs*
I strongly recommend only using 1-2 dodges per battle, otherwise, you are making him/her seem too overpowered.