
C , fall out of the tree xD with my luck I would fall out trying to see it better xD
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Starwolfs- You lean forward, straining to see the lupine better, when you find yourself losing your balance, and toppling forward. You land with a resounding thump at the bottom of the tree, and you suck in your breath sharply, as the lupine's ears prick up, and they turn towards you. Do you- A) Scramble back up the tree, then realize that you don't know if lupines climb trees B) Wait for it to come over C) Run away screaming D) Inconspicuously hide in bushes E) Free answer (aka write your own)


Starwolfs- You inconspicuously dive for the nearest bushes, burrowing deep into them. Suddenly, a nose appears, sniffing at your hand. You decide that there is no use hiding in the bushes, and you step out of the bushes. A gorgeous lupine stands in front of you. Do you: A) Try to pet it B) Stretch your hand out C) Free answer


Starwolfs- You stretch out your hand and the lupine nuzzles it, and licks it once, before trotting at your side happily. You have successfully obtained a lupine! -Now we wait for Starmutt to post the adopt- Thank you for your patience!

@starwolfs thank you starlight for finishing the first interactive at record speed o7 your new lupine! - gender: female - coat color: light - mutation: none - carries: spring 
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Reprobate Smh, being parasocial right now You decide that stalking the creature is a wonderful idea, and sit down in the comfortable spring grass with the light of the blue lantern next to you. At this point, any mist or fog has fully dissipated, giving you a full view of your surroundings and the lupine. The creature in question has taken to poking around the bushes where the smooth rock tumbled after hitting their opponent, muzzle pushing aside a few of the bushes as their tail swishes behind them curiously. Eventually, the lupine lets out a growl and bats something with its paw, sending the smooth pebble flying across the clearing and tumbling down at the foot of where you are hidden. Watching the smooth pebble fly off again, the lupine seems to be satisfied knowing the pebble won’t suddenly attack them and starts glancing at its surroundings again, gaze pausing once they spot the faint light from your lantern. Once again, they growl before trotting closer, eyes narrowing and scanning the shrubbery above them before spotting a bit of your form. The Lupine analyzes you for a long time, looking at what they can see of you up and down with an expression of predatory curiosity, as if seeing if you would make for a delicious snack or a potential opponent. Testingly, the lupine takes a step towards you, ears alert. A) Tactical retreat B) Ask for their autograph (I will smite you) C) Try hiding further in the bushes D) Sit very still E) Stare at them back F) Narrow your eyes back at them G) Stand up, no use hiding anymore H) See if your wooden carving can catch their interest I) Free answer :) --- --- --- Items - Moonlit Blue Lantern - Carved Figure - Glittering Vial

Inferno Abyss You skillfully and carefully check the dense vegetation and low-hanging branches for signs of disturbance. After checking most of the clearing, you still can't find anything. You head over to the last clump of bushes, hoping to find something. As soon as you pass through the bushes, it feels like you've entered a new world. It lead to a second clearing, densely hidden and surrounded by dense oak and redwood trees, the bushes you had checked was the only entrance in. In front of you, you can see a large figure standing in the tree's shadow. It's clearly a lupine shape, but other than that, you can't make anything else out. You can: try to catch the lupine's attention with the figurine try to catch the lupine's attention with something else retreat back into previous clearing study the trees around you free response

Sounds good! ^^ RottingCervine said: Hey Tystnad! If no one else has claimed you yet, I'd love to do your interactive with you!