
Pack Name: Inferno Abyss Pack ID: 259849 Lantern: Moonlit Blue Items: Carved Figurine Interactive: Long/Short/None Short ^^
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Inferno Abyss Hi! I can be your writer.


Inferno Abyss Your eyelids flutter as you wake up from your sleep. Something about the waking feels weird, trance-like. As you stand up to look around you, you feel something carve into your skin. Upon closer inspection, you realize there is a carved figurine in your pocket. The carved edges feel calming in the moonlit blue light coming from your nearby lantern. Looking up from the carved figurine, you notice you are at the crossroads where you last remember. To the North: you see some hazy fog. You can't really make anything out. To the Southeast: This leads out of the clearing through some pine trees. To the West: short patch of trail, after that, no clear trail through the undergrowth. You can: follow north-bound trail follow southeast-bound trail follow west-bound trail

Let's follow the southeast-bound trail :)
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Reprobate You decide that making your own way through the shrubbery is a better bet than investigating what you can already see around you. The bird's songs around you have quieted down to a whisper as you find an area and start making your way through, pushing branches aside and gingerly stepping over bushes or random ditches in the uneven flooring. The fog that used to cover the area gets ever thinner as you continue, the lantern also helping to restore almost all your sight. A flash of birds taking off from the ground disrupt you momentarily, a mess of falling feathers and distressed squawks coming from their beaks as you watch the colorful mass disappear amongst the trees. Well that was weird! In the distance, you can hear some growling from where the mass of birds had taken off from, followed by the crunching of fallen leaves. Towards your right, however, you notice scratch marks on some bark of a great oak tree, leading into the thicker fog. A) Investigate the growling where the birds came from B) Follow the scratch marked trees C) Stay put and see if you can hear or notice anything else D) Go back the way you came E) Free response --- --- --- Items - Moonlit Blue Lantern - Carved Figure - Glittering Vial

A, I like a little danger 😳
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Inferno Abyss You follow the southeast-bound trail. As you move forward, the forest sounds around you seem to quiet down. It's as if they are waiting for something. Just a few meters into the trail, the forest has gone completely silent around you. Unfazed, you continue down the trail. Here, you can see that the trail slightly curves to the right. However, straight in front of you, you can see a trail of paw prints. They've been messed up with other animals crossing over and they aren't identifiable. You can: follow previous trail follow paw prints


Reprobate You decide to grasp the possibility of danger and trek towards where you saw the flock of birds take off from. You end up looking down from a semi-tall ledge, out of sight of what is happening down below. Two creatures are growling and snapping at one another, teeth bared as they circle and size one another up. It seems this right has been going on for quite a time, as the leaves are scattered every which way, and the ground is littered in indented paw prints. Occasionally the two will stop and stare at each other before continuing the circle, seeming to wait for the other to make a move. You could probably interrupt the fight if you so wished, though your safety is never guaranteed in a situation like this. The two canines would probably not make much of a chase, however, as they seem to be tiring. There are plenty of sticks and small rocks scattered by your feet, though that's not to say the items you have with you won't help either. Yelling is also always an option, as is retreat. A somewhat steep slope to your right leads the way down to the ditch clearing down below. A) Throw a stick at one of them B) Throw a rock at one of them C) Yell! Maybe one will run away D) Retreat! E) See if you can get any closer without them seeing you F) Make yourself known from your perch G) Free answer :) --- --- --- Items - Moonlit Blue Lantern - Carved Figure - Glittering Vial