
Coriander | M | Pack Member | M: Sartaq "I didn't see him while I was out hunting," Coriander said. "Maybe he went out on his own?" Bone | M | Pack Member | M: Sartaq
"I did not see him either. But I slept in," Bone said. He hoped nothing had happened. While it was true that a wolf had few predators, it was still possible for Winston to slip down a rocky slope, or get bit by a rattlesnake. It wasn't like him to wander off. "Should we search?"

Sartaq - M - Aphla - Mention(s): Coriander, Bone, [NPC] (ind: Nightingale) ~ Sartaq frowned. Maybe he was just off somehwere. "Eh... I don't think we really need to. We'll wait until sundown, then we'll make a decision. No need to make anything rash." He sure as hell would be telling his mate when she came back. He briefly wondered if they had been sucessful, and idly dreamed that they were. Gods, he was hungry. Sartaq looked back up, mind made up. "No need to get worked up about something until we're sure it's a problem," he said with a smile. He hoped he wasn't wrong in waiting. It felt... off. But then again, it might be nothing.
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Coriander | M | Pack Member | M: Sartaq Coriander nodded. "You're right. He'll probably be back soon." Hopefully with some prey, he added silently. It'd been a long time since he'd had a full meal. He layed on a patch of dry land among some sprouts of grasses. There wasn't much to do besides chat and wait for the hunting party to return. Bone | M | Pack Member | M: Sartaq, Coriander Bone still felt a little worried, but Sartaq and Coriander didn't seem too ruffled. If alpha is not worried, it is not big deal, he reasoned. But he couldn't rest as Coriander had. He wanted to support his pack. He wanted to help them, and be productive. He moved to a farther side of camp and stood watch. He wasn't exactly sure what he was watching for-- scavengers? Prey thieves? Predators? Winston?-- but it made him feel a lot better than if he was just lying around.

Nightingale | Female | Alpha | M: Sartaq, Caspian, Wanderer, Open - I sniff the burrow. "I have no clue." I walk around, looking for the back entrance. My mind strays. What will Shartaq think? There is no prey in this valley. How will we support them?

Caspian | Male | Beta | M: Nightingale, Wanderer I drift off into another train of thought. 'If my sister is having pups, we can't be sure whether there will be two or more. that means more mouths to feed. our pack is on the verge of starvation. what on earth are we going to do.' I thought anxiously. What will the others think? I gaze to the west. In the distance I could see mountains of green and blue. lakes full of clean water, probably surrounded by prey no doubt. My heart sunk as the realised how far it was. I turned back to look at the direction of camp. The ground was dry and there was barely any prey in sight. I sighed and flopped down onto the ground.