
Can I have more than one account? I had all of my wolves bred to and I don't have room or the apples to but expansions

Game Moderator Darkseeker
You can have more than one account, however any transactions or exchanges made between them are not allowed.
If you use your other account(s) for boarding your own wolves, you may end up losing your entire account instead.


how can i make my wolves have better Affinity?

The Moonvalley said:
how can i make my wolves have better Affinity?
You can buy an item from the apple section of the barter called "make friends".


@Plains pack
By linking something from the game, such as the text you'll see when you're on a page. Ex: https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=29&t=106&page=5


I see wolves with lists of talents. Are those bred for or do they turn to a point once they are full?

Geddra said: I see wolves with lists of talents. Are those bred for or do they turn to a point once they are full?
Talents give the wolf 20 CP in the attribute they are for. You can breed for talents. Pups have a chance of being born with talents if their parents have talents. When a pup is born a with a talent, they will automatically have 20 CP(or more, depending on the number of that specific talent) in that attribute
Ex: a pup is born with 1 agility talent. The pup will have 20 CP in agility
Ex: a pup is born with 2 agility talents. The pup will have 40 CP in agility Edited at March 31, 2019 07:59 PM by Moonshadow