
Yeah but not like that and plus they only cuddled 2 at most Broken Rivers of Ice said: Well, they never shared their traumatic pasts either? And Lyka cuddles with Skylar all the time.

Don't you dare bring that up Broken Night of Fire said: Monster Nesta said: Cuddler Broken Night of Fire said: Hand licker

Both Pierce and Lyka had their familys killed when they were young. Skylar still has his mother Nesta said: Yeah but not like that and plus they only cuddled 2 at most Broken Rivers of Ice said: Well, they never shared their traumatic pasts either? And Lyka cuddles with Skylar all the time.

He has one person who might as well be dead Broken Night of Fire said: Both Pierce and Lyka had their familys killed when they were young. Skylar still has his mother Nesta said: Yeah but not like that and plus they only cuddled 2 at most Broken Rivers of Ice said: Well, they never shared their traumatic pasts either? And Lyka cuddles with Skylar all the time.

Nesta said: Yeah but not like that and plus they only cuddled 2 at most Broken Rivers of Ice said: Well, they never shared their traumatic pasts either? And Lyka cuddles with Skylar all the time.
Lyka would gladly have cuddled when he found out his mom was gone.

But he told her to leave Broken Rivers of Ice said: Nesta said: Yeah but not like that and plus they only cuddled 2 at most Broken Rivers of Ice said: Well, they never shared their traumatic pasts either? And Lyka cuddles with Skylar all the time.
Lyka would gladly have cuddled when he found out his mom was gone.


Exactly. And Lyka does have family. But they hate her and rejected her when her parents died because she's a shifter.

Nesta said: You know what I'm done
Sabre, why? I don't want you to go. Maybe we're having an argument but remember when we used to make each other laugh all the time? I'll miss you so bad! And Lyka and Skylar can fix their relationship!

I doubt they can Broken Rivers of Ice said: Nesta said: You know what I'm done
Sabre, why? I don't want you to go. Maybe we're having an argument but remember when we used to make each other laugh all the time? I'll miss you so bad! And Lyka and Skylar can fix their relationship!