
*she ended up shakig the feelings away and started on a new sculpture, which started to look like her helping him up*

Sylvester shook the feeling from his skin. He turned his attention towards his phone.

(trying to figure out how to do this section lol) *she smiled as she finished carving it and made a second one before painting them both and she sent one to Sylvester, along with a small note on a piece of paper saying "hey, my names Star, what's yours? can we be friends? i also figured you would like this" and they both landed beside him*

(lol) Sylvester heard something land beside him on the couch. He turned and saw a sculpture, lying there. He smiled a bit as he picked up the delicate sculpture and traced his finger over it as he tossed it over in his hands over and over again.

*she sensed him holding it and smiled at the energy, she could tell he was in a good mood and it pleased her, she wondered if he had the same energy abilities she did* (i'm actually curious)

(Sadly no he doesn't) Sylvester, oblivious to the energy he was giving off, gently put the tiny sculpture down on the table.

(mk) *she sensed the difference and layed back in her little hammock, holding the clone of the sculpture she gave him and wondered if she should go say and hi* (what do you think?)

(Sure) Sylvester had gotten tired and was now curled up as a cat on the couch.

(ok lol) *she decided to go visit and made a new sculpture of her to go with the one of him getting up then cloned the teleport she used to send the note and sculpture to him but to the door, then she knocked gently*

He hissed as he jumped into mid-air before landing on his feet, his hair was standing on end. "The door is unlocked..." He managed to say with a raspy voice,