
Sylvester smiled brightly to himself as he got out the moonstone necklace dappled with sapphire on it, gently putting it on.

*she watched him through the door and smiled, then went to her room*

Sylvester put on his regular school clothes. He planned to go to school for just today. (I can imagine Star's aunt comes disrupts the dance and injures Sylvester so serverly that Star can't heal him?)

(technaically she ded, but i was thinking more like they dance together and she eventually tells him the truth of how she feels about him, but she can try if you want) *she put on her usual simple shirt with jeans and a hoodie, then went to Ves's room, to see him with his school outfit on, and she smiled* i didn't know you would be coming

(Ah, yes. But I was thinkin' that her Aunt's spirit comes? Just an idea.) He nodded. "Yeah. I am."

(ok, i'm good with that) *she was beaming as she quickly shifted from foot to foot, which usually meant she was eather hyper or extremly happy, in some cases, like this one, it meant both* i was hoping you would come, espically sense... *her voice trailed off, but it was obvious she was talking about the fact that the dance was today, she had mentioned it, and how nervious she was abot it, before*

He nodded, looking at his phone before realizing they were late. "Come on! We are going to be late!" He said playfully as he rushed out the door.

*her eyes widened and she rushed to her room to grab her hair ties and came out with her hair already in a messy ponytail and she quickly put it in a braid right as they reached the school*

Sylvester entered the school first, sometimes looking over his shoulder to watch Star. He saw some students giving him shocked expressions while others gave angry looks.

*she caught up to where she was beside him and watched the others then said* wanna know why they look eaither angry or shocked, besides the fact that you haven't came for 2 years?