
Sylvester quickly awoke from his sleep, noting that the bed was empty. He sighed, getting up. He knew what it was. He figured that she must've gone to the balcony. Quickly and quietly, he takes the form of a cat as he wandered to the balcony.

*she heard him and sighed, as he came through the door she said in a voice a lot softer and quieter then usual* sorry, i was trying not to wake you up

He sat on the railing. "No. You didn't wake me up at all."

*she turned her head so he wouldn't see the tears in her eyes, and gently said in the same voice as before* ok, i just don't want you to worry about me just because i have nightmares *something about her voice and the way she was acting confirmed it was a nightmare, but she didn't usually act like this, which made it seem like this one hit harder then usual*

The cat looked at her with a soft expression. "I knew that. But just know that i'm here, if you ever need help." He said.

*turns to him and he could see tear streaks and tears still in her eyes, like she had been crying, and she said* thanks, but i'm not sre if you can help with this one

He let her cry. purring, he rubbed his head against her tears.

*she smiled through her tears and gently picked him up, carrying him to her bed, curling up with him beside her*

He purred deeply as it vibrated through his throat.

*she smiled and purred very deep, deeper then you would think she could, surprising Ves and she smiled then her wings wrapped around them, making inside the little wing bubble so dark you couldn't see, and she showed him her QoD eyes, which glowed faintly (QoD is Queen of Darkness)