
He eventually understood. He smiled in a somewhat wicked way.

*mentally says* make sense? *says out loud* what are you smiling about? do you enjoy fighting for your life everyday? *but a little bit of her confident smile showed*

He shook his head rapidly. "No. No. I don't. This just somehow amuses me." He said.

(i wrote a really long one then it kicked me out so i am mad at wolfplay now) *she huffed then talked to one of the guards and as they went in, her aunt made a remark that got on her nerves and she sent a alert to Ves saying that the plan was moving up and they were doing it now and she restrained Solaria and released Ves, and she showed her full Queen of Darkness form, which was a cross between gorgeous and scary, which made sense*

Sylvester wanted so badly to shapeshift into a cat and scratch her aunt's face off but decided against it as he knew he'd probably need his powers later. While Star was with her Aunt, Sylvester mostly stayed in the shadows, making sure nothing got out of hand. But once given the signal, he stepped out of the shadows, like a horror movie. His piercing yellow eyes glared into her Aunt's. Just to let her know that he was here and watching. His left hand gripped onto the knife that he now had in his hand. Even though he was glaring, the urge to just stare at Star for a second was getting harder to resist. So, he forced himself to stare the aunt boldly in the eyes.

*she had a twisted smirk on her face as she summoned Nightmare, who's venom had the abilities to conjure the darkest fear of the one who was bitten, and after biting her aunt, Nightmare faded as Star surrounded her in her shadows, litterly scaring her to death, and she smirked then said to Ves* you can stare if you want, i don't care, and since your my marked, you won't be hurt by my powers, unless i command them to hurt you, to be honest i thought you would have seen my true form by now (kinda want him to ask what she means by that)

He stopped glaring to focus his attention on her, slightly confused. "What do you mean by that?" He asked with a wary tone to his voice.

*she turned and said* you didn't know? a marked can see the form/true form of the one who marked them, like i can see your direwolf form beside you

"oh, well that makes a bit more sense." He said, as he turned to see the shadowy form of his direwolf standing beside him, teeth bared.

*she smiled and said* another thing, if the marked or the one who made the mark are bonded with a animal, like how i'm bonded with Nightmare, Eclipse, and Daisy (i'm changing Dark Moon's name is Eclipse, or maybe Lunar, i haven't decided yet) the other can see them, and are the only ones who can see the marks, which is why you could see the mark on my arms for Nightmare, and on my back is Eclipse's