
He nodded. "Go for it. She deserves it." He said.

*she ran her fingers through his fur as she softly said* i know, i was wondering if you would come with me? (assain partner section starts)


(we still doing the assain partner part? i don't remember if you answered) *she nodded and Dark Moon jumped happily, obviously happy he was, while Nightmare gave a low but content hiss* great, trust me, you'll want to be there

(Yeah, I did. But could ya please walk me through what's goin' to happen?) Sylvester nodded, anxious and excited at the same time.

(they basicly become a pair of assains but their so in tune with each other they get out of just about any situation, and i forgot to ask you to shift into human form lol, please work with me) *she opened the gate, muttering how her aunt was dumb for not changing the code, then in a flash she turned and bound him, winking at him when the camera couldn't see and mentally saying* trust me, i have a idea, and this is probably the only way i can get you in

(Alright.) Sylvester shifted back his human self, holding a knife just in case.

*carefully tucks the knife into his sleeve so they wouldn't find it, then brings him inside, pasting a look of triumph and indifference on her face, but inside, and through the link, she was planning and telling him the plan, getting his opinion, and refining it, and creating it with him*

"What are you planning?" He asked with an edge to his voice.

*she looked at him but didn't say anything, out loud at least, she continued to send him plans*