
He nodded, quickly going to Star's room and closing the door.

*she watched then went to the door, shifting into Star's form before opening the door, it was one of her bullys, a alpha hellhound by the name of Sky, and she sighed then said* what do you want? *Sky tried to punch her but she dodged, then her and Star switched places, and as Sky tried to punch again, Star caught her fist then threw her then walked upstairs and sat on the bed, simply saying* i know, i should have told you about me not being able to sleep, but i didn't want you to worry, now give me cuddles *she preceeded to cuddle with her head on his lap and her voices smiling gently and chuckling*

The noise was slightly alarming but he remained calm. He hugged her.

*she hugged back then looked at her voices and gently jerked her head in a gesture that he reconized as her way of saying come here or come on silently, but it apparently had another meaning, considering how her voices pouted then came over and gently laid a hand on his shoulder, hugged him, then left*

He was tempted to follow but knew it wouldn't help Star, so he just stayed where he was.

(what i meant by her leaving was her merging with Star lol) *she gently wrapped her arms around him and eventually fell asleep*

(Ah, sorry) He watched her fall asleep, eventually sleeping as well.

(your good lol, i should have specified lol) *her wings gently wrapped around them both and when the twins (Angelese and Demente) and Lunaria got back they watched them for a minute then did the same as her voices*

He snuggled into her a bit.

*she let out a low purr then snapped awake as one of her aunt's minions tried to capture her, and she tensed, coming around with a powerful right hook then gently kicked Ves to wake him up, and surrounded them in shadows so dark no light could penetrate, but Ves had her sight and could see everything, and toggaling to night vision was interesting sense he could see everything around him* (kinda wanna make this part into them being a very powerful assain pair)