
Sylvester walked down the stairs, pausing on the third step to give her a "O" expression. He started to fuss over her.

*sighs and simply says* i'm fine *she kinda sounded tired but she was right, she was fine, but a few scrapes, but she didn't give the usual "plus, you should see the other guy" statement that she usually did, which was weird*

He smiled. "I know your strong but I can clearly see a bloody knuckle and a black eye." He said in a stern tone.

*gives her "i am fine, you don't gotta worry about me, how many times do i have to say that" look, then says* do we still have some ice? *by ice she meant the ice that she saved for when she needed to cool down her fists, or work with a concussion*

He nodded but gave her a hard glare.

*goes to the med room and grabs the ice, making a little glove around her fists then she went back and crossed her arms as a thin layer of frost crept across her arms and she softly said* you know i can take care of myself, plus, they started it *she seemed faintly annoyed then sighed and gently laid a hand on his shoulder, shifting the glove so she wasn't hurting him and said softly* i'm ok, alright? i understand you care but i'm fine, ok? *she seemed so confidant, but something seemed off, something she wasn't saying*

He picked up the odd tone in her voice, staring down at her, shaking his head.

*her face softened* what? i'm fine, i'ma go practice *then she turned and went to the arena, but about halfway through, she preceeded to pass out from exhaustion due to her not sleeping*

He quickly saw this and picked her up, bridal style and placed her gently on the bed.

*she was so limp, but she was alive, she didn't seem like she was hurt enough to do something like this, then Angelese came out and sighs then simply said* she pushes herself way to hard, stay with her, ok? she's ok, just exhausted *mutters* i don't understand why she's been doing this for the past month *turns back to him and says* i'm gonna have the voices watch over you guys while me, Demente, and Lunarious take a trip, we'll be back in a bit, stay with her *she left and her sleek form was replaced with a shadowy figure who sat beside him, something felt weird with them, but they didnt seem hostile*