
*she smiled but didn't go back to sleep* (star when she can't get any sleep: cuddle moment between green hair and blonde with a braid and red eyes is Star with Ves, or how i imagine it: youtube.com/watch?v=_9PrZXtN2mw star when tired, mostly at school, and the roast is basicly how she roasts her bullys but she also falls asleep like that at home: youtube.com/watch?v=_s65rl1M8Bg this is one of the best ones i could find that covers all the basics, need to find the one i'm looking for since it fits best: youtube.com/watch?v=culkYfiEgYo this is the one i was looking for, which also fits the best, only shes not sick, just tired: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Enr68BACgQ

He just stood awake, staring at nothing.

(the vids are kinda how i wanna play out this next part but with Star) *she tried to help but just went to the kitchen to make something to help him sleep*

He wasn't very tired. Not because he had a sleeping problem or such, it was just that he had too many thoughts on his mind currently.

*Star on the other hand, was tired AF, and curled up on the balcony with her blanket around her shoulders and tried to sleep, but dispite her being tired, she couldn't sleep* (would you be ok with doing a version of the last vid i sent?)

(Yeah, sure, go ahead.) Sylvester curled up but his eyes resisted to close.

(alr) *she tried but couldn't sleep untill about 30 minutes before she had to get up, then 30 minutes later she woke up to the alarm and smashed her fist down on it, cracking it, again, then she went downstairs to get food after getting dressed*

Sylvester was still curled up, asleep. He had spent most of the night worrying about Star.

*she gently got up, careful not to disturb him, and left her usual notes, then went to school, where she was imeadiatly greeted by her bullys, but today, instead of arguing with them, she just pushed through them, which started a fight and she came home with a black eye and some scrapes and bloody knuckles, which indicated that the fight had been pretty brutal, since she rarely made her knuckles bleed*

Sylvester walked down the stairs, pausing on the third step to give her a "O" expression. He started to fuss over her.