
*they were mostly about how she felt, that she missed him, and also confessig how much she cared, which was part of the reason she hadn't sent them, she wasn't ready, and dried tears adorned certain sections, and she came back in a few minutes later, put her hoodie on, and curled up in bed, close enough to him to let him know, and also pull a little bit of energy so she could sleep, but also to where she wasn't bugging him* Edited at September 22, 2023 03:16 PM by Star Tha AOD

However, despite her being near, he stayed awake, staring up at the ceiling. Edited at September 22, 2023 03:20 PM by The Local Southerner

(meant to put she lol) *she cried a little in her sleep, but turned away from Ves so he wouldn't see, hinting that she felt more then she showed, hiding how she truely felt even from him* (nudge to him asking her about it lol)

He looked at Star worriedly. "Are you okay?" He asked.

*she stired and her ears went back, like they did when she wanted to say something but also didn't, unsure about him knowing*

"Please tell me?" He asked, trying to use his cat eyes to convince her.

*her ears flicked back again then pressed back, like they did when she was emotional/sad and she turned towards him, tears in her eyes, and gently signed for him to shift into human, but in a question way, her way of silently asking him to*

He sighed, transformed back into a human before looking at her again. "Now can you tell me?" He asked, almost pleadingly.

*she turned, with tears in her eyes and softly asked* did you read the letters? *her eyes were a deeper shade of blue then he had ever seen them before*

He nodded. "Yes." He said as his voice trembled a bit. He laid down a bit far from her, laying on his side.