
*she gave a cute half whimper half purr that indicated she was in cuddle mode, which meant she was really tired, since his energy helped her sleep*

He eventually fell asleep, after a good long time. Ocasionally, he'd wake up to get water but other than that, he was mostly asleep.

*from her physical and mental state, it wasn't hard to figure out that she hadn't gotten much sleep in a month*

He cuddled into her tightly. He was sleeping in a awkward position

(can Ves confront/ask her about her not sleeping?) *she was content as she curled up, sleeping peacefully*

(Sure) Sylvester looked at her before pawing her awake. "Hey. Hey. Hey!!" He said annoyingly. "Can I ask, why weren't you sleeping?" He asked. Sure, he knew he hurt her but he didn't think it was this bad.

*she stired and looked at him, he was saying something but it took a second for her to process it, and when she did she gently curled into a ball, holding the necklace, then pointed to a little box, which looked like it could fit a few envelopes, and the shadows tenderly picked it up and set it inbetween them* (the box of letters she never sent)

He gasped. All this time, she was trying to reach him. "So...this whole time...you tried to contact me but your were too scared...?" He guessed. His whole face darkened as the guilt washed over him like a hurricane.

*she closed her eyes, fighting to control the whirlwind of emotions, and said in a quieter voice then normal* yeah *unable to say more without releasing the hurricane of emotions, she signed for him to read them while she went to the balcony, and after making sure he understood, she went to the balcony, it was already stormy and she unleashed the hurricane completely, changing the storm from a normal rain storm to a raging thunderstorm*

He watched this unfold but didn't say anything as his yellow eyes scanned the different letters. All with his name on it. As he read, he noticed that the handwriting seemed wobbly or scribbled out.