
He looked at him, his happiness gone and he now had a sinking feeling. "Sure..." He said, feeling a bit uneasy knowing that Zach was still here. He cast a glance at Star before following Zach.

*Zach waited for him then went to the kitchen, pausing once in a while so he could catch up, and when they got there he said* hey, only reason i wanted to talk alone is because it's about a gift for Star, but i need your help, and you technically still owe me for helping with your prank *he paused to let it settle in and also to get what he was thinking into words* (suggestions for a good surprise gift for Star?)

He eyed him. "You mean me almost dying? And do you like her or something?" He asked as he sat on the kitchen counter.

*he blushed softly and said* i'm.... not sure yet, but ya, i would do it by myself but i have no clue what she likes, besides you- *he clamped his hand over his mouth as he finished and started thumping his head on the counter until he got dizzy and quietly said* i wasn't supposed to say that, she's gonna k!ll me when she finds out

Once Sylvester saw the blush, that was the last stray for Sylvester. For some reason, a fuming rage overcame him. Without thinking. His claws unsheated and he launched himself at Zach's face. Clawing it hard and hissing uncontrollably. After a minute of doing this, he jumped of his face, shape-shifted back into his human form and stormed out the door, his eyes narrowed yellow slits. He didn't know where he was going. He didn't even care about the snow. He instinctively shifted into his direwolf form and ran through the thick snow back to his parent's house. Edited at April 22, 2024 12:24 PM by The Local Southerner

*zach winced but understood why he did it and said right before he left* sorry *he figured it was the least he could do to let her know so he wrote a note and folded it into a paper plane, gently tossing it to her then leaving, she caught it and unfolded it, it said "Dear Star, Slyvester left, i'm not sure where he went but he's really mad at me, i don't blame him, i don't think we should be friends, i appreciate it though, he's in direwolf form, and your lucky to have a guy as loyal as that as a friend, as your marked, please don't try to find me, go get him, and tell him i said i'm sorry, Your ex-friend, Zach" and she whined then sprinted to the kitchen, following the trail, letter still clutched in her hand as she ran, shifting into full hellhound form as she did, running so fast she had become the wind, and the sky, once cloudless and sunny, quickly turned stormy, a powerfull rainstorm and the thunder roared as she howled, calling his name and crying*

Meghan I noticed that after I finished unpacking it had started to storm. I glanced over at the pile of books I brought from home before going over and picking one up. I made my way over to my pillow nest and got comfortable as I began to read. I was caught off guard when I heard a loud howl come from outside. I glanced outside and saw a large wolf running around, I just tried to ignore them and continued to read.

Sylvester kept running. It was the only thing he like doing. As snow fell, he kept seeing flashes of lightning. Sylvester looked at his shoulder, seeing the mark fading from his shoulder as if it was never there. He saw his parent's house as he slipped in through the basement window that happened to be open. He heavily panted as he sat down on the cold basement floor. He slowly transformed back into his normal form as his yellow eyes were on the verge of tears. He laid down, curling into a small ball, and cried. (timeskip to a month later?) Sylvester had been shockingly been accepted back into the family with open arms. And even though he found it odd, he didn't question it. Currently, he was sitting on his tidy and well kept bed as he rocked back and forth. He still ate but not as much. He burned all pictures that he physically had of Star, blocked her from his phone and even stopped socialising. The mark on his cheek was completely gone now.

*when she couldn't find him, she broke down in tears, and her mark faded from her cheek, so she went home, sad and lonely* (timeskip to a month later) *she still went to school but she was more closed off then usual and she always wore her hoodie, she had tucked all pictures of him away in a box, but she still wore the necklace, and she didn't get much sleep, at times after school she would go to his place and debate going to talk to him but she always shook her head and went home, at least once a week she would write a letter to him but she never could bring herself to send them, finally she wrote one then put it in her backpack and went to the house, shifting into her cat form and climbing the wall, leaving the letter on the windowstill inside his window then leaving*

Sylvester looked outside his window. Opening it slightly, he grabbed a white letter that was just sitting there. He quickly closed the window, having a sinking feeling as his eyes quickly scanned over the letter, reading it. He forced back his tears. He sat there, in silence, cotemplating on what to do next. Finally, he got up, opened the window and as he looked down for a second, he took a deep breath, did a flip and before he hit the ground. He was flying. As a eagle. But without the mark on his wing, he just seemed like a normal eagle. He soared through the air, going back to the place where he last was. As he approached, thousands of emotions hit him all at once. But the strongest seemed to be guilt.