
*she sighed and simply said* ya, i get them just about every night

Meghan I moved around the room examining it. I was lucky and got a large window, it was positioned so that the morning sun would shine directly through it. It was even curved so it seemed a circular bed was meant to go there. I set down the trunk and started setting up the room. This involved filling the closet and dresser provided. My favorite thing to unpack was my brewing setup. That was my reason for coming here anyway. Potions, healing, and health which is quite ironic considering I'm venomous, but that's the reason I got into it. When I was small my parents ensured that all of us knew how to remove the venom and treat the aftereffects. --------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah, I'm fine with that! I am just slowly introducing my character so take your time. I might not be able to post back-to-back like you guys so my parts might be a little longer. Edited at September 20, 2023 05:25 PM by Frostyhills24

(your good) *she felt awkward, since she didn't usually share he part about her nightmares*

Sylvester slowly calmed down but he looked at her, slightly confused. "Why haven't you told me about these nightmares?" He asked, trying to keep his cool.

*she looked down, at the pendant he had made for her* i didn't want you to worry, don't feel bad, besides me your the only one that knows about them

He sighed. "oh, okay. I just hate it when you lie." Sylvester said.

i know, but i never tell anyone about them, and i didn't want you to worry about me, but their about half of the reason i don't sleep much, the other half is part habit part just me not being able to sleep *she looked like she had just thought of or remembered something and her expression flickered to worry but she almost instantly shook her head and laid back down*

He looked at her with disbelief before sitting up and he started to play with her tail as if it were some kind of toy.

*she smiled as he batted at her tail and flicked it, letting him do so but also playing with him* i know, i should have told you, but i didn't want you to worry, besides, i've been on my own most of my life, so i'm not quite used to sharing what's on my mind, and i know i can do that with you but still *she looked sheepish, then another pulse of power surged through her veins then his, indicating that the new power that flowed through his veins had to do with her* (suggestion)

He felt this weird wave of power, it was different but he felt safer now. He heard what she had said but mainly was playing with her tail.