
He almost started laughing but managed to refrain from doing it. *This guy says he can't act and yet he's doing it perfectly!* He said as his claws gripped onto the snowy branches.

*he could sense his energy and thoughts and smiled inwardly then continued to talk with Star* (you wanna play Star a little?)

(It's fine. I'd rather not control anyone else's characters.) The real Sylvester watched with a snicker. The cat was so caught up with staring down at them that he didn't notice the sickening crack that came from the branch underneath his paws. It all became a blur after that. He watched with sheer horror as the branch snapped and he started falling, him hissing wildly as his claws scratched at nothing. He yowled as he fell. Suddenly, all he remembered was being dizzy and landing on all fours, looking up and seeing it was already too late. There was a loud snap as the tree branch landed on top of him. He let out a hiss of pain. The branch's sheer strength making him have a shortness of breath. Then all was black.

*both Star and Zack heard it and Star got there first, gently cradling him in her arms, Zack gently shifted into human form, apologzing and letting her know the whole plan, and she said that it was ok, then teleported them all to Ves' room, Star cradling Ves in her arms, and she gently laid him on his bed and had Zack go outside to make some food then her powers burst in a explosion of pure power, making her go into full hellhound-human mix, the burst had healed him completely but he still needed to rest, and Star collapsed beside him, shifting back* (all are suggestions)

Sylvester grogily woke up a day later. The cat stretched as he noticed he was back in his room. "Didn't I fall?" He asked to himself, noticing that he had looked completely unscathed. The energy that coursed through him was different. powerful and yet, just out of his reach.

*she had woken up the night before and as he woke up her mark glowed, letting her know, then she went to go check on him, in full human form, looking really good but exhausted, and something told him that the power he was feeling, and the reason he was perfectly fine, had to do with her somehow, then she gently came and sat beside him* glad your feeling better

: The breeze was warm, for which I was thankful. Most of my stuff was carried in a trunk of holding, similar to a bag of holding, except it was meant for larger things that were not hand-held items. I slithered through the doorway, trying to get through quickly so I didn't block the doors. It was just the right thing to do, I never looked for fights anyway. As I made my way down the halls I stuck to the wall so I wouldn't be in the way. As I went by, the few people in the hall stared, but it made sense. My kind normally isn't from these parts, that's why it took me so long to get here in the first place. Eventually, I came across my door and entered the room, but there was no one else inside. It wouldn't surprise me if I wasn't going to room with anyone, after all, I did take up a bit of space and I didn't even sleep on a bed. What am I saying, I can't even sleep on a bed, I would break it; instead, I lay on the floor in a nest of pillows, using my own tail as a pillow as well. Edited at September 20, 2023 01:32 PM by Frostyhills24

(Should we restart or get on with it?) Sylvester curled his tail in as he jumped on the windowsill. His black fur bathed in orange pink light. Quite a stunning sight and the only thing that never got old in his life. He didn't even notice the girl beside him for a second before nodding. Edited at September 20, 2023 01:47 PM by The Local Southerner

(get on with it, frosty, can my oc, Star, and yours meet at school?) *she understood and staired at the ceiling, which looked like a night sky, but Ves had never noticed it*

Sylvester was keen in lying in the sun for the rest of the day but they both knew that this light and warmth wouldn't last long as it was January and it was cold enough to make him stay inside. Sylvester sat down, purring.