
Suddenly, he got an idea and a smirk crept onto his face. "We should prank Star. You can turn into what I look like right?" He asked.

*he looked interested* ok, you've peaked my intrest, how exactly are we gonna do this? and yes i can *shifts into a exact clone of Ves*

His smile became wider until he remembered the mark on his shoulder. "Shoot, can you copy this?" He asked as his tail flicked at his mark.

hmmmm, i can try, but a mark is unique to the marker and the markette, basicly the one that marked and the one that got marked *tries to mimic it but can't so he changed the colors f his coat in that section to match it*

He smiled. "That will work." He said. "Here's the plan," He said as he walked closer to him. "You go up to Star, pretending to be me and i'll be in a tree observing you guys. I want to see if she knows." He said a bit gleefully.

*he seemed unsure of himself* i don't know about that, i'm not that good of a actor, and the mark won't glow if she uses it to check

"And that's where I come in...I will use this," He gestured to a small cat made coat with his tail. "-To cover up my mark so she can't check. This coat is special because you can't see any glow if there is one." He said proudly. "If that doesn't work- I can take your form and she'll get confused."

(Frostyhills24 might be joining, just a heads up) i still don't know about this, but i guess i can try

(Yeah okay. Thanks.) He cast a smile at him, nodding. Sylvester spotted a tree nearby and started climbing it.

*he sighed and went to the arena, taking a deep breath, then mewing exactly like Ves did, perfectly mimicing everything, which surprised Ves (suggestion)*