
He swiped his claw playfully at her, hissing.

*she returned the hiss and hopped off the rail, landing perfectly then shifted into cat form and positioned herself below him, gently batting his tail, knowing she was just out of reach*

He then shifted into a eagle that had slightly black wings, cawing at her from above, almost teasing her as he flapped his wings in the air.

*she hissed and went to human form* ok, you win.... not! *he didn't know this at first, but she could shift shadows into wings and she did so, gently catching him and holds him, asking for cuddles*

He sighed as he shifted back into a cat, snuggling into her.

(sorry if the shorts are coming to fast lol) *she gently curled up on the floor of the balcony, with him beside her, and she soon fell asleep, finally able to sleep without nightmares for once, which he didn't know about since she had never told him* (debating bring that in lol)

He smiled as he fell asleep once again.

*she was happy* (time skip?)


(mk) *the next morning she was buried in the sheets, which was normal, but she got stuck in there, which happened about once a week, and after she untaangled herself, she went to the kitchen, made some food, which was a cup of hot chcolate and some marshmellows, then she went back to her room*