
*she giggled and pirched beside him, then flipped upside down*

He sighed in a calm manner as he managed to get into a sitting position.

(kinda wanna bring her ex boyfriend into this, whatcha think?) *after hanging for a few minutes she rightened herself and shifted to where she could gently lean on Ves and get some snuggles in, which she did when she was tired, indicating she had gotten little to no sleep the night before*

(Sure) Sylvester let her as he closed his eyes.

(ok! his name is Alexander lol) *she snuggled there for a minute then someone knocked on the door so she went downstairs to go say hi, Ves could hear her open the door then let out a low snarl, indicating whoever it was, she didn't like them, and he could hear pieces of what she was saying, even though it was in hellhound, which she had been teaching him* "why are you hear Alexander?...... i told you when we broke up that if it turned out that she was using you, not to come running back to me! ..... oh, i see, you 'forgot' about that, ok, i kinda doubt that but ok........ humph, thanks"

Sylvester half understood what they were saying but from what he was hearing, it could be Star's ex boyfriend. He growled quietly. over the years, Star had told him little bits about him but it always left a bad taste in his mouth to think about him.

*suddenly he felt a massive wave of anger from her then it calmed down right after, but he could still feel annoyance* (trying to make it so he can come downstairs)

(Who? The ex or Ves? Also, again, please don't control my characters) Sylvester bit his lip, hearing the interaction as his anger began to pile up.

(sorry, i wasn't trying, just saying he could feel her anger through the bond and Ves, the ex is already at the door lol) *she growled softly and seemed like she was holding a deep grudge, like he had hurt her more then she had said*

(I get it. And it's all good) After a few seconds, the anger flowing through him was uncontrollable. He growled at himself before transforming into his direwolf form, the mark on his shoulder was vivid and visible. The black wolf stormed downstairs, his steps quiet as he saw Star standing at the door, talking to him. He walked towards her, his yellow eyes burning into Alexander.