
*she returned it and says gently* Sylvester, i choose you

He tilted his head more, seemingly not understanding.

*she chuckled and said though the newly made mind-link* "i'll explain later" (it's a marking thing)

He nodded as he looked at his shoulder.

*she gently put her hand on it and it glowed a gentle silver, like moonlight, indicating that she was the one who marked him*

He looked down at the mark with interest as he sat down.

*she backed up a few steps, then executed a gorgeous and seamless backflip, shifting into her full form as she did so, and the mark was on her left shoulder, though his was on his right shoulder and she gently curled up beside him, like a kitten curling up beside a adult cat or a dog that they trust*

Sylvester sighed, feeling something new that he couldn't explain. He laid down next to her, eventually falling asleep.

*she suggled into his form, relaxing into a deeper sleep then she had been in for a while* (kinda wanna time-skip to a couple years later)

(I'm fine with that!) Sylvester yawned as he woke up in his smaller room, groaning, he quickly got up, getting changed into a navy blue hoodie and some sweat pants. After that night, he only got closer with Star. To the point where he barely stayed in his room at his parents house anymore.