
*her silver tipped ears and tail showed, her tail flicking angryly as her aunt didn't say anything but tried to come closer, but star pushed her away* i asked you a question! what do you want? (ok, just a heads up, *S* means Star, *SA* means her aunt, which i'm gonna just call Solar, i know it would be a boys name but i don't care) *SA* can i not want to see my favorite niece? *S* you don't care about me, you just want my power and the abilitie i have fr yourself *SA* yes, i want power, but only because i have none of my own, and i do care about you *S* you could care less about me! you just want my power for yourself, that's what you truly care about, yourself! it's always about you, what you want! i have a mind of my own, a life of my own, and i'm done letting you control it *SA* i made you who you are! it's because of me that you have all your powers at such a young age! do you know the normal age for a hellhound to have their powers, espically one like you? *S* no!! you have no part of making me who i am! it's my life, and i can shape it how i want it!!!!!!!!!!! *her eyes flared as she shifted into her giant full form, which usually wasn't that size, but she was p!ssed, which made both of her eyes look like her demon eye, and black and dark red flames licked her form, and Ves and never seen her this p!ssed* (i'ma just use the nickname cuz it's easier then typing the full name lol)

Sylvester looked at the aunt with pure anger. He shape shifted into a black wolf, anger clear in his eyes as he stood beside Star.

*she glanced at him, her eyes flickering to a darker version of her usual color, before looking back at her, her eyes returning to the pure black, and just to show how much she didn't care about her, she went to nudge her with her nose and ended up throwing about 3 yards away, sitting while she waited for her to recover and come back, looking at Ves with a loving look that also meant thank you for being supportive*

The wolf nodded, he gave a half-hearted smile towards her. He then shifted to a bigger version of his wolf form which was a black dire wolf. He snarled at the aunt, prepared for a fight.

(i'm doing leaves for my first time lol) *she gently nudged him, saying through a mental link she had made but never used* please stand down, it's my fight, not yours

His growling became intense but he eventually stopped, nodding.

*she shifted into her human form with her ears and tails out, but they looked like they did in her full form, streaks that led to them included, and she sighed while waiting for her aunt, then she turned to Ves and gently put her hands on the sides of his head, putting her forehead on his, a way of connecting, and a small mark appeared on his shoulder (cheak in human form) and the same one appeared on her cheak* (she basicly just marked him as her mate, if perms and if he wants it)

(Yea. Sure.) Sylvester stared at the mark for a second with a glint of curiousity, then he slowly glanced down at Star, tilting his head.

*she smiled and said* it's a mark, usually given by a alpha of a pack or a high power wolf or hellhound *something glitters in her eyes* it comes in handy, since it allows the one who got marked and the one that gave it to share powers, and forms

He looked at her in awe. He stepped towards her, smiling as he brought his paw over her shoulder, pushing her into his fluffy chest, like an awkward hug. Edited at April 22, 2024 12:14 PM by The Local Southerner