
*she started to hiss again then she reconized his slim form and energy and gave a low meow, glad that her attempts had worked, and she mentally praised herself at how she had kept her cool and figured out how to let him know*

Sylvester huffed as he got a paper clip and opened the cage. "This shouldn't have shocked me...So, does this mean I have a fangirl now? Or should I say fan cat?" He said, as he laughed a little.

*she chuckled, understanding his joke and said* in a way, i was wondering, do you wanna be friends? *then one of his parents, the one who locked her in the cage, came up and tried to get her back in the cage and went to hit Sylvester but Star reflexed, pouncing on her and shifting into full hellhound as she did, pinning them with one paw, and her tail gently swept him onto her back as she teleported away, to her hideout*

He was hesitant at first but eventually nodded. "Sure." Suddenly, he saw his parents trying to push him down the ladder.

*she gently grabbed him then growled at his parents*

He heard his sister yell in shock as he watched her stumble back in shock before she ran back into her room. He heard her footsteps become muffled as she entered her room and his parents quickly following her. He heard a door close and some muffled talking. He sighed in relief as he rolled his eyes.

*she seemed worried as she looked him over* you good?

He snapped his attention back to her slightly as he nodded his head. "I guess." He muttered.

ok *she seemed sad and nervious and said softly* i should probably go, i've just been getting you in trouble (can he please ask to go with her?)

(Sure.) Sylvester was hesitant at first but quickly grabbed her hand. "This might be a weird...question but can I go with you? This place is a piece of crap and I need to get away from it." He looked at her pleadingly.