
*she perked up and gently set him on the couch then went into a different room and came back out as a grey tabby, the form she had been in before, then she winked at him and curled up next to him*

Sylvester looked away, to avoid blushing. He heard angry yelling as the door shut abruptly behind them. Sylvester's ears flickered in annoyance. He rolled his eyes as his tail unknowingly wrapped around Star's smaller figure.

*she gently wrapped her tail around her side, laying it on his and gave a low growl towards the door as her really sensitive ears went back, flicking forward once in a while but not much*

They were of course angry at each other because of finaces. He rolled his eyes. This was normal to him by now. He licked his paw impatiently, hoping they'd leave.

*she sighed and gently curled up beside him, her small form gently pressing against his a little and she tried to get some sleep but couldn't so she just gently groomed his fur a little*

He was now a bit flustered but his tail stayed firmly in place. He sighed as he fell asleep.

*she murmured something but ended up falling asleep beside him, but she got woken up a bit later by one of his perents picking her up and throwing her outside, or trying to, she ended up scratching and wiggiling out of their grasp then jumping back up next to him, hissing loudly in anger and pain*

He awoke a few hours later as the sun set below the horizon. His fur felt cold and realized Star was gone. He growled in frustration as he knew what happened. For the rest of the evening, he was scolded by his parents.

*hisses and yowls loudly, hoping to get his attention, she was in a cage in the attic*

He was back in his human form, getting ready for bed. Sure, it was only 7:00 but his parents had not fed him and were making him go to bed early. But he could care less as he already raided the pantry while they were away. He was more worried about Star. He knew his parents were mean but they would never hurt a cat. Just then, he heard a series of yowling and hissing coming above him. He raced into the hailway and opened the attic, grabbing the ladder and racing up it. In the dim light, he could just make out Star's figure. He hissed and scurried up the ladder more until he was fully in the attic.