
*she chuckled, seeming to be in good mood, and gently stroked his paw then she perked up at something to her right but relaxed almost immeadatly* (her spirit senses had heard something)

Sylvester's ear flicked as it caught onto a noise.

*she gently set him down on the couch then turned to her right and said something in a different language, (spirit) obviously annoyed*

Although, he didn't understand her words. Something felt strange. As if all the air was sucked out of the room. Even though he didn't have the power to see other spirits, he knew something was off.

*she glanced back, silently telling him it was ok then turned back to the spirit, rapidly saying something, then she snapped, and he could almost tell what she was saying but the words were muddled, making it tricky to understand* (basicly saying that she wanted to help but she was really stressed at the moment)

Sylvester tilted his head to one side but that was all as he didn't intervene. Edited at September 12, 2023 10:37 AM by The Local Southerner

*she sighed and said wha sounded like sorry then gently said something else, she waited for a moment then nodded and went back to Sylvester, gently picking him up again and sitting down, she seemed stressed but still in a good mood*

He could sense how stressed she was and sighed. He rubbed his head against the palm of her hand.

*smiles and understands what he meant and said* Spirit powers are nice but also chaotic

He curtly nodded as he felt a bit happier. Suddenly, he heard a car pulling up and he hissed. It was most likely his parents but it still slightly got on his nerves that they were home so early. He wasn't worried about Star as he knew she could shapeshift as well. He was more worried about his sister bullying him for the next few weeks about his friend that was a girl. Edited at August 3, 2024 08:35 PM by The Local Southerner