
Tori nodded and trotted up to him, drool falling from her mouth as she carried the small pup.

Morpheus padded into the pack and quickly towards their den knowing the pup would start to get could. Lyra shivered as she felt her mothers drool soak her fur. She was had woken up at some point and started to wriggle a litte. She shivered again from the cool air.

Tori stopped and sat down, setting Lrya on her tail to dry her. Once Lyra was dry Tori continued on her way.

Once in the den, he waited for Tori to enter and see that she and the pup were both safe. Lyra shivered again only thinking of warmth and the protection her mothers scent brought.

Once there, Tori laid down and placed Lyra by her stomach. She then looked up at Morpheus with a smile.

I can take Lyra tomorrow.) Morpheus smiled back. He licked his nose before starting for the entrance. "I'll let the pack know and I'll find lunar." He said with a glance back at tori and the pup. Lyra snuggled into her moms fur as she succled. A small yawn escaped her maw as she began to get warm.

Okay)) "Lyra, get all warm, we probably won't be moving again" Tori whispered to the pup. She knew the pup couldn't hear yet, but she didn't care.

Morpheus let out a happy howl letting the pack know that tori had a pup. He then went looking for shadow. Lyra soon fell asleep in her mother's soft fur.

Tori smiled, her eyes moved to Lyra with a happy look. "Stay warm" she whispered to the pup.

Shadow's ears pricked at Morpheus howl. She met him in the center of the clearing. "Congradulations. I'll have to go and congradulate Tori as well." Shadow said in a happy voice. Morpheus smiled at Shadow. "Thank you. Now where is that son of mine?" He asked her looking around.