
((Really disappointed in this boy. Espetially considering how his parents look. ))

((Link doesn't work)) "She's beautiful" Tori whispered as she watched the pup crawl around in her fur until she fell asleep. She then laid her head and and closed her eyes resting.

(Yeah. That might be because I retired him for more room in my pack.)) Morpheus smiled and nodded in agreement. He rested his head on Toris back and kept a look out for any danger. Lyra Nuzzled deeper into her mom's fur before finally settling down and sleeping.

Tori fell asleep once she knew the pup was warm and safe, which made her relaxed.

Morpheus tried to keep look out but soon exuhstion washed over him. He drifted into a light sleep lighte than usual. Lyra continued to sleep cuddleing closer to her mother.

Tori lifted her tail and cuddled with Lyra in her sleep.

Morpheus woke up after a bit. He got up and stretched before nudging tori to wake her up.

Legendary responddddddddd.))))

Tori's eyes went wide, before she yawned and gently picked up Lyra. She then stretched and got up tail wagging.

"We need to get back to the pack." Morpheus said starting to lead the way. Lyra continued to sleep as she was picked up in her mothers jaws.