
So you gonna fix it? Or just continue on like nothing happened?

Tori lead to a calm river, and sipped some water, but jumping over it.

Morpheus bent down at the calm river. He took a drink before wadding into the slow moving water. It was cool and felt nice as it soaked his fur. He padded across and when he reached the other side, he just continued after Tori without shaking his fur out.

Tori quickly turned around, her tail brushing against him as she continued trotting through the beautiful shaded forest trails.

Morpheus looked at the ground and watched as the light danced through the trees. He took a deep breath and smelt the forest around him.

Once they were close, Tori took a break on the side of the trail. "I'm taking a break" She said, shaking her fur.

He padded to her side and finally shook out his wet fur. Morpheus sprinkled her with a litle water and smiled. He laid down and closed his eyes and soaked up the smell of the forest.

Tori rested her head on her paws. "This will be a fun week" She mumbled to him, her eyes now closed.

Morpheus started to hum a soft lullaby his mom used to sing to him. It was slow and quiet. He didn't remember many of the words but he remembered the melody.

Tori smiled, the tune was so cute, and it helped her relax.