
Abraham heard her and turn to look at her. He went to her and thought *What if it is something bad?* he was scared. He went to her side and was calm. (I love how Abraham is just unsure of what is happening.)

( hehe right?!) " Im pregnant" Amber said straight out. " But how?" she saw the kids looking out of the window but she didnt care " Is there something about shifters I dont kow about?"

Abraham shifted into his human form still wearing jeans and the long sleeve shirt. He said "Shifters are just like humans unless there is a secret that we both don't know about. Maybe Albie can help us with this secret?" He was confused.

" I think a talk with the almighy leader is in session' Amber chuckled as she wrapepd her arms aorund him and they walked to Albi's home " I hope we arent interupting your day, Albi" Amber said holding her stomach gently. Then looked at Abraham " tell him the great news, babe"

Abraham chuckled as they walk to Albie. Albie said "you are not interrupting my day. I was not doing anything." He chuckled as he waited for the good news. Abraham said "Amber is pregnant." Albie chuckled and smiled. He said "so we are going to have a mini Amber or Abraham running around." He was happy about that.

" Im not sure... but I dont know how it was even possible... I just found out this morning.. Is there like a secret I dont know about about having kids with shifters? We didnt even do anything.. I just felt sick...." her eyes looked at Albie

Albie said "usually when a shifter and a human are together for a long time. The past shifters give something to the human for being with the shifter. It could be a baby or good luck or just even a gift." He look at her. Abraham was thinking about something.

he gave me a baby Amber thought as she gazed her eyes to Abraham " I will charish it always"

Abraham smiled as he look at her. Albie said "of course now living shifters can do it now too."

" And you're one of them, arent you, Abraham?" Amber said looking at him " Well im grateful" The boys raced to where they were, since their sence of smell was great and looked at them