
Albie said "When your father was a baby. His great grandmother left the house and well she never returned. It left a scar on your father. She left to be with other man but your father was never able to forget that day. Its not his fault that he is like that." Albie look down as he was telling the truth. Abraham was trying to hide from everyone.

" We have to tell mother" Fredan said " shes gone, Fredan" Humphrey said looking at the door Amber was in the hospital for the whole day and night " COme on.. lets eat..." Humphrey said

Albie said "Since your mother is gone. I will stay here along with Alexandra." Alexandra showed up with something for the boys. Albie was still worried about Abraham since he knew what could happen now. Albie said "I am going to go and check on your father." Albie walk upstairs and saw Abraham was asleep. Albie whispered "I promise you that she will be back." He walk downstairs.

Amber and Miles was back at midnight. Fredan and Humphrey were asleep in their room. Amber looked at Albie " im so sorry about that... something happened"

Albie said "Its ok. I understand. Though I need to tell you something about Abraham." Alexandra was upstairs talking to Abraham since he was awake. Abraham was not wanting to go downstairs. Albie was glad that Alexandra was talking to Abraham.

" Come sit over here and you can tell me" Amber said grabbing her hot tea and looke dat Albie

Albie sat down and said "Back when Abraham was young. His great grandmother left to be with other man. It left a scar on Abraham. That's why everytime you leave. He becomes upset. Its because he never got over what happened to him as a child." Alexandra walk downstairs and said "Well Abraham fell asleep again." Albie nodded as he understood.

" I had a feeling it was me all this time. And it is. But what can I do to make him understand I would never leave him for anyone else, Albie? Ive told him before, but he just.. I dont know.. sees it the way I do. I cant just... quit my job. I need it to pay the bills and then taking the kids to school now... I have to leave every day. " She was disappointed now. " Ill just quit my job."

Albie said "Amber, you have to get him use to being with everyone else. In fact Alexandra and I can help you with it. We might have to get Abraham's younger sister here if we need to. You have to show him what's it like being outside of the forest. He never left the forest before. Don't quiet your job Amber. You just need to show him the other world." He look at her.

Amber was at lose for words " Alright Albie Ill do waht I can. But if it doesnt work, Its not my fault" she padded his leg before going into her bedrooma nd changed into her pajamas before sliding into bed beside Abraham. She faced him. Her hand on his stomach " I understand now, my King" she whispered to him