
The park ranger nodded and took Abraham inside the house. He put him on the couch and said "I can fix his paw but he will need to lay down and rest for about two weeks." The park ranger petted Abraham and felt sad. The park ranger began to fix Abraham's paw and was calm. Abraham look at them.

" I think I can handle that. he's been working and hunting for all of us. I think thats what caused this" Amber said eyeing Abraham as she spoke Fredan watched " But momma.. there was a tr-" " A what" She asked now looking at Fredan " A trap" he said

The park ranger said "If there was a trap than someone might be trying to either hurt the shifters or the boars. Or someone one might have wanted to hurt Abraham. Do you know anyone who sets traps in the forest?" He look at Amber as Abraham look at Fredan almost saying it hurts. He was trying to get up as he needed to protect his family.

" My King. You stay down and rest." she then looked at the Ranger " Actually I do know." she whispered into his ear " my brother" and then stepped back " I figuered as much." She stepped away from everyone " Boys, stay here and protect him while im gone. Dont let him move" She ran out of the house and ran back to where the traps were at " Nick?!" she yelled

The park ranger went with her and said "If it is your brother. He might be going to jail." He was going to help her see if it is her brother. Abraham look at Fredan and Humphrey. He said "I need to shift into a human as my jaguar form can't handle the pain." He was in pain since he was injured. Abraham had tears in his eyes due to the pain.

Fredan nodded " as long as you listen to momma and not move. I think it whould be fine" he said sitting beside him, Humphrey on the other side " Trust me.. it will be him." Amber said glaring around her What a nice suprise to see you alone, Amber.. I thought I heard your mate and children out and about" He came out from behind a tree and glared at her " You leave me and my family alone. And not, those are my adopted kids. Im waiting to have kids with Abraham when we feel ready. So leave me alone" she snarled at him

Abraham began to shift into human and said "Ok. Now that I am human. It should be less painful to deal with a trap. But only problem is that there might be two angry shifters." A loud growl came from behind Nick and there stood on two hind legs was a werewolf. Alexandra went to Amber and whispered "Albie heard what happened to Abraham and now he is angry." The park ranger look at Nick and said "You have two choices here. 1. You can come with me and go to jail or 2. You can face the werewolf behind you. What's it going to be? You were not allowed back in the forest and now you are going to go jail." The werewolf kept growling almost as if it was getting ready to protect Amber.

" Albie. Back down" she ordered " You too Alexandra. Its not my choice hat happens to my sweet brother" she said rolling her eyes " I know hes angry I can feel it." Nick stood still " They dont exist." she said laughing " Do you honestly believe that werwolves exist, Amber?" " I know they do because he's rght behind you. And if you dont make up your mind to either go witht he ranger and go to jail, or I order Albie to kill you right her in front of me. YOur choice. It was quiet for a few moments Humpfrey looked startled " Fraden.. you stay here and I will go check on mother... " He ran to the comotion and shifted right in front of Nick

Albie listened to Amber and went to Humphrey's side. He growled at Nick and waited. The park ranger said "The choice is yours. Because from the looks of it. Amber has the power of talking to the shifters. Now either come with me and go to jail or face Albie who is much more meaner than you. Plus he is 12 feet tall." Albie was 12 feet tall in hight when standing on his hind legs. Albie was watching Nick and kept growling. Alexandra whispered "Amber, I am not doing anything though. I am still in my human form." She was confused.

Amber grinned " Shift, Alexandra...and see how my brother scares himself like the baby he was 18 years ago" Humphrey growled and glared at Nick. His heart racing " Nick.. you have 1 minute before I order Albie kill you. Just so you know, he may be old, but every shifter listens to me." Nick was shaking and had to think... fast